This is the last post of my "30 Things" Learning 2.0 at the Beach which is not the same as saying it's the last post of the blog!! I've discovered that I enjoy blogging - I don't know that anyone actually enjoys the reading - but I find the writing cathartic - and that's a good thing!
I would certainly participate in training of this kind again. I've done online training before - webinars as well as online classes and I found this method of presenting this material effective for me. With any training however, the presentation needs to compliment the material and not fight with it! Therefore I would not necessarily want to see all or even most of our future training in this format.
At this time I'll end my "30 Things" with a Thank you to everyone for participating!
Actually, thank YOU for your helpful tips and all the crisis management services you provided me during this Learning 2.0 process. The OF staff was lucky to have you right there to guide them. Via email and the telephone you were extremely effective in guiding me, too!
Are we there yet, oh YEAH, done and still having fun.
You sound tired! I hope that you enjoyed yourself. Thank you for participating and congrats on finishing all 30 Things way ahead of schedule.
Cindy :)
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