Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Phases of the Moon

I need to go to a friend's blog and check the phases of the moon (or I suppose I could go get the gadget myself!) because we're starting to have problems we haven't had for a while! I'm attempting to try to justify the activities by moon phases!

Actually I think it's more realistic to say - teenage boys hanging together without supervison and with a computer adds up to a problem every time!! In any event, we're going to have to be stern and "offer some correction"!!

Some days I feel like we're the "Teen Whisperers" - and, to borrow from Caesar Millan's "No touch, no talk, no eye contact" - ours is: no touch, all talk, constant eye contact!! They will just have to learn that we can't and won't accept their behavior in the library - and we're in charge of the building - they're not.

Wish us luck! It has the potential to be a long few days! Luckily we have a policy and procedure to follow!!


ddt said...

Ugh. I remember those problems back in my public service days. And I'm sure what your library is experiencing is exponentially worse. Plus--depending on their age and level of development--those teenage boys can be BIG and intimidating.

Susan Marziani said...

I just translated your blog into Italian...very cool.

I agree with ddt - the "kids" today can be intimidating. But stand your ground and remember, the police are just next door!

Susan Marziani said...

Yup...I got my "congrats" email when I got home. Whew - that's over with. And yes, I plan to keep my blog going (and Flickr, and delicious, etc.) as long as this stuff stays free. How do they make their money, after all?

This relaly has been a great learning experience...and a lot of fun.

The Bryan said...

Have you tried cattle prods? I'm told they are very effective :-)