Saturday, January 12, 2008


My Friend in the Digital Age and I are getting together and, hopefully, by this time next week I'll have blazing fast internet, stupendous telephone and outstanding digital movies! Fingers crossed and all that!!

Currently I have DSL and I've had my ISP for a LONG time (particularly in a digital age!)(at least 10 years!!), very basic telephone service with no bells or whistles and no long distance at all! I do have digital cable and I have a DVR (wheee!) so that won't change too much! Unlike their ads my bundled bill will be higher but not significantly and my "features" will be much more - I'll have long distance again (I really use my cell phone!) and caller ID and voice mail. Wow how 20th century of me!!


Susan Marziani said...

Nice to see you've come out of the dark ages and joined the ranks of helping Cox Communications pay their rent!

Katie said...

I just got cable this month and still don't have a "land line" so you are ahead of me. Enjoy the high speed technology life style.