It's the last week of the year - and a lot has happened - much of it fine - some of it just ok - and some of it just plain yucky. But that which doesn't doesn't kill us makes us stronger or so Nietzsche says (and you know with a name like Nietzsche it must be so!!).
Work, Life - everything is combined and yet separate - work causes some stress (talk about understatement!) and this year has been no exception. There have been high points but, for the most part, things are status quo and that's not a particularly good thing. Life - I miss my mother very much - and although I never wanted her to suffer, I certainly wasn't ready for her to go. It's very strange and sad to see her name on the back of my father's tombstone in Arlington. Someday I might get used to it. You never stop worrying about your children - even when they're really not children anymore - I'm certain that they'll be ok in the long run but there are always bumps along the way and, as their Mom, it hurts me whenever they are hurting.
So - I'm not sorry to see 2009 end - but I'm not certain about 2010. For one thing, I'll be 60 in 2010 - now there's something I wasn't anticipating!! Funny how I could see myself as "grown up", married and even a mother when I was younger but I never saw myself as a "senior citizen". I know that things are harder for me to do now - the body doesn't allow for bending, stretching and particularly stooping as easily as it used to - getting up from the floor is a REAL effort! I get tired much faster than I ever used to and I find that naps are much nicer than I ever used to think they were and I look forward to them on a lazy Sunday.
All in all, I have a very good life - I have a job I enjoy (most of the time!), family that I love and friends that are terrific and help me deal with all the chaos going on all around. So I guess I'll bid 2009 a farewell (not a fond one that's for sure) and say hello to 2010 with anticipation - things are always changing and sometimes, just sometimes, that's a VERY good thing!
I hope everyone has a terrific New Year's Eve (mine will be a glass of wine and a good night's sleep!!) and a Joyful New Year.
(And make a toast to "auld lang syne" while bidding 2009 goodbye)
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Tweenmas . . . Between Christmas and New Year's
Christmas was a good day - both sons (and grand dog) came over - lots of food, good video, lots of laughing - it was fun! Cats weren't as happy with the visit from the Granddog - one went upstairs under the bed not to be coaxed out until long after puppy went home! The other one - Cleo - staked out her "hair couch" ottoman and dared the dog to come close - she did one time and got swatted for her efforts!
Back to work today - not a bad day - busy at times but not overwhelming. A few calls asking if we were open - uh - YES!
Next week should be pretty good too - several people on vacation but it's another short week (YAY holidays!) so we'll be fine.
All in all a pretty good day - met a new baby in the family (Welcome IZZY - you're beautiful!! and you're the third December baby!!) and saw a good friend. Now - I think a nice glass of wine is in order!!
Back to work today - not a bad day - busy at times but not overwhelming. A few calls asking if we were open - uh - YES!

All in all a pretty good day - met a new baby in the family (Welcome IZZY - you're beautiful!! and you're the third December baby!!) and saw a good friend. Now - I think a nice glass of wine is in order!!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Thoughts on nothing in particular . . .
Apparently Christmas Eve day is the day for old TV series marathons. And one that has always (since the 90s anyway!) had an effect on me is the West Wing episode "In Excelsis Deo". It's the usual story of life in the West Wing as done by TV but it's also the story of a homeless veteran who dies wearing the donated coat of a White House staffer. Inside the coat is the staffer's business card. The staffer is the one who realizes the man is a veteran and, using the influence of the White House, arranges a military funeral for the man. So far nothing too far beyond the usual TV fare.
The kicker comes at the end - a boys choir is at the White House singing Little Drummer Boy (a very personal favorite) as the hearse arrives at Arlington. The Marine honor guard, rifle squad and flag folding are accompanied by Little Drummer Boy . . . never fails to elicit strong emotions.
I can't say that I'm sorry to see 2009 leave - although I'm not certain that I want to be as old as I will be in 2010! 2009 has been a year of great change - some good, some bad, some still undecided - not unlike most years - just this year seemed to have more than most - and more of them were major changes to family, friends, home and work.
So come on 2010 - I've seen what 2009 had to offer - and now I'm ready for something different!
The kicker comes at the end - a boys choir is at the White House singing Little Drummer Boy (a very personal favorite) as the hearse arrives at Arlington. The Marine honor guard, rifle squad and flag folding are accompanied by Little Drummer Boy . . . never fails to elicit strong emotions.
I can't say that I'm sorry to see 2009 leave - although I'm not certain that I want to be as old as I will be in 2010! 2009 has been a year of great change - some good, some bad, some still undecided - not unlike most years - just this year seemed to have more than most - and more of them were major changes to family, friends, home and work.
So come on 2010 - I've seen what 2009 had to offer - and now I'm ready for something different!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas, Christmas Time is Here . . .
and I'm not ready but I guess I'm as ready as I'm going to get . . . we're having treats all week at work for our wonderful police officers who provide security for us . . . two of us are making goodies for each day - I made cookies - oatmeal raisin and chocolate chip for tomorrow. 
I also have two meetings tomorrow - and, although that's a total of 5 hours in meetings - I really enjoy the third Wednesday of the month!!
On Saturday (12th) went to the Kennedy Center to see "August - Osage County" - a good play with great actors but definitely NOT holiday fare! Unless you consider a drug addict Mother and an alcoholic Father (who commits suicide) to be holiday fare!! It was good though and the traffic was relatively light coming home - and that's always a plus!!

I also have two meetings tomorrow - and, although that's a total of 5 hours in meetings - I really enjoy the third Wednesday of the month!!
On Saturday (12th) went to the Kennedy Center to see "August - Osage County" - a good play with great actors but definitely NOT holiday fare! Unless you consider a drug addict Mother and an alcoholic Father (who commits suicide) to be holiday fare!! It was good though and the traffic was relatively light coming home - and that's always a plus!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sigh . . .
A stressful day today - I'm finding it difficult to get into the holiday spirit - but feel compelled to buck up and get started with decorating and purchasing, etc.
I have Christmas cards (if I get them addressed and mailed!!) and I've gotten some gifts but there are more to get - DOUBLE SIGH!!
Today is World Aids Day 2009. I never thought I would
Insanity helps!!
I have Christmas cards (if I get them addressed and mailed!!) and I've gotten some gifts but there are more to get - DOUBLE SIGH!!

Today is World Aids Day 2009. I never thought I would
- see the Berlin Wall come down
- see the "end" of the Soviet Union
- see an African-American elected President
Insanity helps!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thankful . . .
May all of fall's bounty be with you and your family this Thanksgiving Day.
I have much for which to be thankful - including all of my terrific friends and family.
I have much for which to be thankful - including all of my terrific friends and family.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Eve . . .
It's Wednesday evening and I had the day off because I'm working Saturday - and I spent the day doing pre-Thanksgiving prep so that there's very little to actually do tomorrow!
Pumpkin pie, apple pie, dressing, sweet potato casserole and mac & cheese are all finished. Shrimp will be cooked later this evening so they'll be cooled and ready for appetizers! The turkey will be cleaned and "bagged" ready for the oven tomorrow. All that needs to be done tomorrow will be the yeast rolls, toss the salad and "nuke" the peas.
Won't take long and we'll have plenty of time to annoy each other and get on each other's nerves - after all - isn't that what family gatherings are for??!!
Pumpkin pie, apple pie, dressing, sweet potato casserole and mac & cheese are all finished. Shrimp will be cooked later this evening so they'll be cooled and ready for appetizers! The turkey will be cleaned and "bagged" ready for the oven tomorrow. All that needs to be done tomorrow will be the yeast rolls, toss the salad and "nuke" the peas.
Won't take long and we'll have plenty of time to annoy each other and get on each other's nerves - after all - isn't that what family gatherings are for??!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009
4 Days & Counting . . . .
Ok - I'm a major procrastinator - majored in it and got the graduate degree - but even I have limits and, unfortunately for me, my time is now.
Thanksgiving is next week and I HAVE to get the dining room in shape enough to actually eat at the table. And I have to at least think about decorating for Christmas. SIGH - the pressure!!
I have 90% of the food for Thanksgiving dinner - after I got home I remembered some other things that I wanted to have so I'll have to stop at the store again (but that's not surprising!).
Anyway - as Scarlett said - tomorrow is another day!!
Thanksgiving is next week and I HAVE to get the dining room in shape enough to actually eat at the table. And I have to at least think about decorating for Christmas. SIGH - the pressure!!
I have 90% of the food for Thanksgiving dinner - after I got home I remembered some other things that I wanted to have so I'll have to stop at the store again (but that's not surprising!).
Anyway - as Scarlett said - tomorrow is another day!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
November 18, 2009
Today would have been my Mother's 87th birthday - so Happy Birthday Mama - unfortuntely she's not with us any more and I miss her very very much.
For so many years she was the one constant in my life - and there's a definite void now that she's not there. Rarely does a day go by that I don't read, see or hear something that I think "Mom would like that" or "I need to tell Mom about that".
The holidays are going to be hard - even though we didn't usually get together at Thanksgiving or Christmas because of work, school and travel - but we always talked. Luckily I have terrific family and friends and I know I'll make it through the difficulties and come out the other side a better person!!
For so many years she was the one constant in my life - and there's a definite void now that she's not there. Rarely does a day go by that I don't read, see or hear something that I think "Mom would like that" or "I need to tell Mom about that".
The holidays are going to be hard - even though we didn't usually get together at Thanksgiving or Christmas because of work, school and travel - but we always talked. Luckily I have terrific family and friends and I know I'll make it through the difficulties and come out the other side a better person!!
Happy Birthday Mom - Love You Always
Friday, November 13, 2009
Rain . . . . and more rain . . .
Ok - flooding, closings, trees falling, fences falling - it wasn't a hurricane but it sure damaged the area as if it was!
And thanks to the fact that we live in a "coastal area" the deductible on insurance is not just $250 or $500 it's 2% of the insured value of the property. So although the claim was filed for paperwork purposes, it won't cost the deductible to put up a couple of sections of fence and a gate - - - not even 1/2 probably.
(and that's for a townhouse)
And thanks to the fact that we live in a "coastal area" the deductible on insurance is not just $250 or $500 it's 2% of the insured value of the property. So although the claim was filed for paperwork purposes, it won't cost the deductible to put up a couple of sections of fence and a gate - - - not even 1/2 probably.
(and that's for a townhouse)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Armistice Day
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
A Vacation
We just got back from a fantastic vacation in Las Vegas. As first-timers, we were like the bumpkins gone to town - craning our necks to see all the sights and there were lots to see!!
We stayed at the Venetian which is beautiful and HUGE! The Canal Shoppes were plentiful and fun to look at but certainly not to buy from! St. Marks Square was inside but certainly gave the impression of being outside - and that's one reason we ate there several times - we were in the hotel complex but not in the dark, very dark casino area!! It was the next best thing to being outside!
(This picture is of the Grand Canal where you can catch the gondola. The STRIP is the road right in front of the casino. The Mirage and Treasure Island are right across the street - the Wynn is next door)
We went to see Bette Midler at Caesar's Coliseum and she was, of course, terrific. We walked back and got to the Mirage in time for the volcano eruption (which we could see hourly from our hotel room!). The helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon was great - the weather was perfect, the pilot was a retired Navy pilot who'd lived in Virginia Beach and we have a nice picnic on an outcropping above the Colorado River. The next day we took a tour bus ride where you could get on and off as many times as you wanted. After making the whole round once, we went back to the hotel to decide what to see again - that night we went to the Bellagio to see the dancing fountain -incredible. Then back to get the bus down to New York New York. Passing the Bellagio we saw the fountains again! New York New York was very interesting and Don rode the roller coaster which you catch inside the casino but most of the ride is outside - there are loops and barrel rolls - he said it was incredible - I waited for him to finish!!
Out to the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign and back up the strip to the Flamingo where we got off - Harrahs would have been closer but the stop not as accessible, so we walked from the Flamingo - where Donny & Marie are appearing!!) back to the Venetian.
The trip home was uneventful and that makes it good. It's good to go away and better to come home. Vacations are few and far between - this one was terrific!!
We stayed at the Venetian which is beautiful and HUGE! The Canal Shoppes were plentiful and fun to look at but certainly not to buy from! St. Marks Square was inside but certainly gave the impression of being outside - and that's one reason we ate there several times - we were in the hotel complex but not in the dark, very dark casino area!! It was the next best thing to being outside!
(This picture is of the Grand Canal where you can catch the gondola. The STRIP is the road right in front of the casino. The Mirage and Treasure Island are right across the street - the Wynn is next door)
We went to see Bette Midler at Caesar's Coliseum and she was, of course, terrific. We walked back and got to the Mirage in time for the volcano eruption (which we could see hourly from our hotel room!). The helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon was great - the weather was perfect, the pilot was a retired Navy pilot who'd lived in Virginia Beach and we have a nice picnic on an outcropping above the Colorado River. The next day we took a tour bus ride where you could get on and off as many times as you wanted. After making the whole round once, we went back to the hotel to decide what to see again - that night we went to the Bellagio to see the dancing fountain -incredible. Then back to get the bus down to New York New York. Passing the Bellagio we saw the fountains again! New York New York was very interesting and Don rode the roller coaster which you catch inside the casino but most of the ride is outside - there are loops and barrel rolls - he said it was incredible - I waited for him to finish!!
Out to the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign and back up the strip to the Flamingo where we got off - Harrahs would have been closer but the stop not as accessible, so we walked from the Flamingo - where Donny & Marie are appearing!!) back to the Venetian.
The trip home was uneventful and that makes it good. It's good to go away and better to come home. Vacations are few and far between - this one was terrific!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday . . .
Ok - I'm really hoping that the rain ends soon - it's been days and, while we haven't had the horrible flooding that's happened elsewhere, there's been enough gloom for a long time!
Only a few more days before the vacation! I'm looking forward to seeing new things - the Devine Miss M and the Grand Canyon - and the casinos - I'm definitely not a gambler (I'm too stingy!!) but I enjoy watching people!! (And I will have some money "just for fun".)
It'll be good to get away - and, after all, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!
Only a few more days before the vacation! I'm looking forward to seeing new things - the Devine Miss M and the Grand Canyon - and the casinos - I'm definitely not a gambler (I'm too stingy!!) but I enjoy watching people!! (And I will have some money "just for fun".)
It'll be good to get away - and, after all, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Beginning of October
Another busy week at work (it's almost like my week is over because I'm off tomorrow - but that just means I'm working Saturday!) - there are always things to be done and sometimes it seems like nothing ever is accomplished no matter how long and hard I work. But that's not unique to me! 
One good thing is the cooler weather - I'm truly enjoying that! It's time to open the windows and sleep under the down!! It's still getting warm during the day - but it's definitely not hot anymore.
I saw many friends the other day at the reopening of the Kempsville Library. The "old" Kempsville was where I started my career with the Virginia Beach Public Library lo these many years ago. I was working there when the current building was first opened almost 20 years ago. And now it has a new look and feel - and I was able to reconnect with the people who originally hired me as well as co-workers from many years ago. FUN!
Congratulations to all who worked on the renovations and the reopening party - it was great!
Take a bow!

One good thing is the cooler weather - I'm truly enjoying that! It's time to open the windows and sleep under the down!! It's still getting warm during the day - but it's definitely not hot anymore.
I saw many friends the other day at the reopening of the Kempsville Library. The "old" Kempsville was where I started my career with the Virginia Beach Public Library lo these many years ago. I was working there when the current building was first opened almost 20 years ago. And now it has a new look and feel - and I was able to reconnect with the people who originally hired me as well as co-workers from many years ago. FUN!
Congratulations to all who worked on the renovations and the reopening party - it was great!

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Got a full trash bag of "stuff" out of my bedroom - and yes, I can now see the floor and the top of the bedside table! I know - I'm usually pretty good about throwing stuff away but I get lazy - VERY lazy - and stuff piles up.
I should have started on the dining room or living room but I didn't - there's always Friday which will be my next day off - 'course that means I actually will have to do it - SIGH. We also cleaned up out back - all the gunk that had gathered on top of the pool - next step: call the people who can fill it in!!
All it takes is time & money!
I should have started on the dining room or living room but I didn't - there's always Friday which will be my next day off - 'course that means I actually will have to do it - SIGH. We also cleaned up out back - all the gunk that had gathered on top of the pool - next step: call the people who can fill it in!!
All it takes is time & money!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sundays . . .
I think I need more Sundays! There should be a minimum of two Sundays per week (IMHO!). These, for me, would be days where you did only the things you truly wanted to do - there would be no obligations on your time except those you placed yourself.
Today I'm enjoying South Pacific on TV (the newer one with Glenn Close) and simply resting. Although I do need to go out at some point today for essentials (ok so one of those isn't something I've chosen but it's only one minor stop!), I'm thinking a nap is in the offing too!
Of course none of this is getting my living room, dining room or powder room back in proper order. Nor is it getting the bedrooms organized and set up the way I'd like them to be. It's always something, huh??!
Today I'm enjoying South Pacific on TV (the newer one with Glenn Close) and simply resting. Although I do need to go out at some point today for essentials (ok so one of those isn't something I've chosen but it's only one minor stop!), I'm thinking a nap is in the offing too!
Of course none of this is getting my living room, dining room or powder room back in proper order. Nor is it getting the bedrooms organized and set up the way I'd like them to be. It's always something, huh??!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
People are Funny - and Strange too . . .
Years ago I volunteered with the Navy Relief Society - I did it here and in Maine - and, for the most part, enjoyed it. I worked 4 hours per week and was trained as a budget counselor which, in and of itself was amusing because I rarely maintained a budget myself! Every week I would talk with people who, for many different reasons, had gotten themselves in a position where they had to ask for help from Navy Relief. Some were easy to advise and some were very very difficult but the work was always interesting.
When we went to Maine, the base was, of course, much smaller. I actually worked two days a week for 4 hours each day. On my days it was me and the social worker. Because the base was small, and because my husband was stationed on the only ship in the area (in for repairs) it was important that I notify everyone coming in from the ship that there was a connection. I also assured everyone that I didn't talk about my work with him as he didn't talk to me about his work - but everyone had to be given an option to either talk with the social worker (if she was available) or come back the next day.
Most people didn't leave, although after I introduced myself to one client, he did say - they told me your husband worked on the same ship - they didn't say he was my boss! He and I had a good laugh and I was able to help him!
All this leads up to a talk I had with the social worker during a quiet time one day. We were talking about what I was going to do after we moved (again). I said I didn't know - I enjoyed what I was doing but being a social worker meant going back to school and that wasn't something I wanted to do and besides I didn't think I was social work material. Imagine my chagrin when she laughed and said definitely not!! Anyway there are days I still think I'm in social work and, while it was fun, interesting and fulfilling part-time, it's not nearly as much fun full time.
This too shall pass . . . sooner rather than later would be nice!!
When we went to Maine, the base was, of course, much smaller. I actually worked two days a week for 4 hours each day. On my days it was me and the social worker. Because the base was small, and because my husband was stationed on the only ship in the area (in for repairs) it was important that I notify everyone coming in from the ship that there was a connection. I also assured everyone that I didn't talk about my work with him as he didn't talk to me about his work - but everyone had to be given an option to either talk with the social worker (if she was available) or come back the next day.
Most people didn't leave, although after I introduced myself to one client, he did say - they told me your husband worked on the same ship - they didn't say he was my boss! He and I had a good laugh and I was able to help him!
All this leads up to a talk I had with the social worker during a quiet time one day. We were talking about what I was going to do after we moved (again). I said I didn't know - I enjoyed what I was doing but being a social worker meant going back to school and that wasn't something I wanted to do and besides I didn't think I was social work material. Imagine my chagrin when she laughed and said definitely not!! Anyway there are days I still think I'm in social work and, while it was fun, interesting and fulfilling part-time, it's not nearly as much fun full time.
This too shall pass . . . sooner rather than later would be nice!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The local newspaper, for whatever reason, has posted salaries of full-time city employees (all the local cities) in an online searchable database. You can search by job title & department or simply click on the city for a list of all the departments. If you have some knowledge of the department it's not too hard to figure out who's who (for those job titles with more than one position listed) because there's a date of employment listed. For those job titles with only one person, it's a slam dunk!
A sure fire way to ensure that co-workers become suspicious of each other - or upset because of salary differences (and there definitely are some). Salaries, politics and religion - three things that don't need to be discussed at work (and I'm flexible on politics!!). SIGH
A sure fire way to ensure that co-workers become suspicious of each other - or upset because of salary differences (and there definitely are some). Salaries, politics and religion - three things that don't need to be discussed at work (and I'm flexible on politics!!). SIGH
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
President Obama's Speech to School Children
Since I was home, I decided to watch the President's speech - because I really did want to see how telling children to stay in school and have some responsibility for their lives would translate into brainwashing.
The speech was good - if it had been given by any of the Presidents who were in office while I was in school I know that the entire school would have been in the auditorium to hear it. My parents were Republicans but they wouldn't have thought to keep their children from hearing any President - including the ones they didn't agree with politically. Civility goes a long way in the world - fear and panic only lead to more fear and panic.
As for the speech - the old rhyme went "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" - while that's not totally true (words do wound deeply), listening to the President of the United States won't hurt any child.
It's time the children of America were told to be responsible for their actions.
The speech was good - if it had been given by any of the Presidents who were in office while I was in school I know that the entire school would have been in the auditorium to hear it. My parents were Republicans but they wouldn't have thought to keep their children from hearing any President - including the ones they didn't agree with politically. Civility goes a long way in the world - fear and panic only lead to more fear and panic.
As for the speech - the old rhyme went "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" - while that's not totally true (words do wound deeply), listening to the President of the United States won't hurt any child.
It's time the children of America were told to be responsible for their actions.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Rainy days and Mondays . . .
It was a rainy Labor Day today with NCIS and Criminal Minds marathons. Both good things - although I've seen the NCIS episodes many times!
For some reason I couldn't sleep last night - it was about 3:30 when I got to sleep and then I woke up again- once about 6 (fed the cats) and later about 8:30. Short night! Small nap this afternoon but all that did was make me groggy - SIGH. Hopefully tonight will be better - I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep!
I'm looking forward to a few days off this week - not as long as I'd hoped - but better than nothing. I hope.
For some reason I couldn't sleep last night - it was about 3:30 when I got to sleep and then I woke up again- once about 6 (fed the cats) and later about 8:30. Short night! Small nap this afternoon but all that did was make me groggy - SIGH. Hopefully tonight will be better - I'm really looking forward to a good night's sleep!
I'm looking forward to a few days off this week - not as long as I'd hoped - but better than nothing. I hope.

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Doors . . . Wonderful
Who knew that new doors could be so exciting! The townhouse now has new windows and new doors - front and patio. Beautiful and the installation was great - the men were very professional, pretty quick for two doors (one big!) and they cleaned up after themselves wonderfully!
The patio door (which of course is a non-Lowe's or Home Depot standard size) was a size that this company carried and, for a little extra, I was able to get the blinds between the panes of glass - FANTASTIC!! It is such a clean look and those blinds won't get torn, dirty or messed up!
The front door is more mundane but the lack of windows does make the entry a bit dark - there are always tradeoffs!! It's nice that they'll put a color on the outside with a different color inside - this one is brown on the outside and white inside. (Patio doors white on both sides!). Gives a nice finished look without having to paint!
Next time it's my house getting windows (and maybe doors!).
The patio door (which of course is a non-Lowe's or Home Depot standard size) was a size that this company carried and, for a little extra, I was able to get the blinds between the panes of glass - FANTASTIC!! It is such a clean look and those blinds won't get torn, dirty or messed up!
The front door is more mundane but the lack of windows does make the entry a bit dark - there are always tradeoffs!! It's nice that they'll put a color on the outside with a different color inside - this one is brown on the outside and white inside. (Patio doors white on both sides!). Gives a nice finished look without having to paint!
Next time it's my house getting windows (and maybe doors!).
Sunday, August 30, 2009
End of an Era?
It's sad to think that I've seen the last Kennedy brother's funeral.
I was in school when the Principal came over the PA system (just before school was out) and said that President Kennedy had been shot in Texas. He asked us to pray for the President. When I went out to the bus (I was a bus patrol) the bus driver said that the President was dead - I didn't want to believe her but it was true.
A few (very few) years later I learned on the news that Bobby was killed in California. I was working the summer between college semesters and found out when I listened to the news.
Now Teddy - it wasn't unexpected but still sad - it was very sad to see his sister, sister-in-law and wife during the service.
Arlington is a beautiful place - I remember visiting the President's grave before it became a huge granite place - it was a simple grave with a white picket fence around it - and the flame.
I'll be making a trip to Arlington in the near future - lots of MY people to visit there - maybe I'll stop by and visit the Kennedy brothers.
I was in school when the Principal came over the PA system (just before school was out) and said that President Kennedy had been shot in Texas. He asked us to pray for the President. When I went out to the bus (I was a bus patrol) the bus driver said that the President was dead - I didn't want to believe her but it was true.
A few (very few) years later I learned on the news that Bobby was killed in California. I was working the summer between college semesters and found out when I listened to the news.
Now Teddy - it wasn't unexpected but still sad - it was very sad to see his sister, sister-in-law and wife during the service.
Arlington is a beautiful place - I remember visiting the President's grave before it became a huge granite place - it was a simple grave with a white picket fence around it - and the flame.
I'll be making a trip to Arlington in the near future - lots of MY people to visit there - maybe I'll stop by and visit the Kennedy brothers.
Productive weekend - but could have done a lot more! Got the living room straighter (notice not completely straightened!). Have to put a bunch of stuff in the garbage and, ultimately find a place for the coffee table that came from another house. Anyway - the sofa & chairs are back where they belong - floors have been vacuumed and everything dusted. Slowly - VERY slowly - getting back to normal.
Did have priorities tho - naps both Saturday and Sunday!! It was nice to have two days in a row - "as we get older" it takes time to recoup!!
We've also planned a vacation - a REAL vacation!! Exciting!! Just have to put in leave!!
Did have priorities tho - naps both Saturday and Sunday!! It was nice to have two days in a row - "as we get older" it takes time to recoup!!
We've also planned a vacation - a REAL vacation!! Exciting!! Just have to put in leave!!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
15 years and still going . . .
Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of our meeting. Doesn't seem possible but I know it's true because his granddaughter was born about 7 weeks after we met and her 15th birthday is the first week of October!
It's been a good 15 years and I know I'm looking forward to at least 30 more!
It's been a good 15 years and I know I'm looking forward to at least 30 more!
Monday, August 17, 2009
New Phone . .
I got a new phone today - and went the Blackberry route! I was really looking for another windows phone simply because it would sync easily with work email (since work won't get BES) but after looking at both and reading about both I chose the Curve. I had to download another piece of software to get syncing with work but the trial download went well and I'm getting messages, contacts and calendar so that's good. I'll buy the full version this week sometime.
I've already gotten the Facebook app - and it's pretty nice! Have to look for others - but right now just want to make sure I can use the phone the way I want to! Lots of new buttons and ways of getting to information that I need to learn!
I've already gotten the Facebook app - and it's pretty nice! Have to look for others - but right now just want to make sure I can use the phone the way I want to! Lots of new buttons and ways of getting to information that I need to learn!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
It's swealtering out there today (and yesterday for that matter). It's beyond swealtering - is *blinking* HOT. Temps in the 90s with heat indexes in the 100s - YES, I know it's August, YES I know that it's Southeastern Virginia - but ENOUGH!
Tomorrow is supposed to be better - mid 80s - now that's something when the mid 80s is considered cool!! Oh yes - mid 80s accompanied by thunderstorms!! Of Course!!
Hurry up autumn!!
Tomorrow is supposed to be better - mid 80s - now that's something when the mid 80s is considered cool!! Oh yes - mid 80s accompanied by thunderstorms!! Of Course!!
Hurry up autumn!!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Annoyances . . .

I don't like paying taxes either but geeze!
(And yes, I know they're actors but they're representing real people who aren't paying the taxes they owe - and if they can pay 1 million then I bet they could have paid the total amount.)
Ok - rant over - I feel better now!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Something to ponder . . .
Why is it that I can spend all day doing nothing and really not worry too much about it - just lazing around. But when I don't have a car in the driveway (it was at the hospital getting an oil change and 100,000 mile checkup!) and waiting for the HVAC people to assure me that the furnace/ac will last I can think of dozens of things I'd like to be doing . . . and can't!?
The human psyche is amazing - or maybe it's just my mixed up mind!
The human psyche is amazing - or maybe it's just my mixed up mind!
Interesting . . .
I had a tag cloud on this blog - I've created tag clouds on two other blogs - both are working. For some reason, the cloud on this blog stopped working! I've copied the exact coding that is on the other two blogs (where it's working) and still no cloud. SO for the time being there's just a list - not nearly as satisfying or as pleasing to the eye.
I might get around to doing more searching for an answer - or not - just depends on what else is going on!
(She writes as she sits without a car (in the shop for oil change & inspection) for the HVAC person to do the "winter" check on the heating system . . . SIGH!)
I might get around to doing more searching for an answer - or not - just depends on what else is going on!
(She writes as she sits without a car (in the shop for oil change & inspection) for the HVAC person to do the "winter" check on the heating system . . . SIGH!)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
One Day Weekends
After 24 years (in actual years but not in "retirement" years) you'd think I'd be used to 1 Day Weekends. After all it's been every other week for a VERY LONG TIME - but it actually is getting harder and harder as time goes by and I get older & older!
I was able to get a new table for the family room - actually Don found it and got it. It's actually a small dining table, but is the perfect size for where we're using it next to the sofa (and if we need a table to eat - we've got chairs somewhere!). It's the right color and we got the glass round for on top so cleaning is a breeze. Pier 1 has such unusual and interesting things! I need to go back and get a fun looking green plate/bowl that would look fantastic on the table. Don's only question was "what are we putting in the bowl - more stuff?" !!
I think we should take a page from one of my favorite TV shows - and put keys in the bowl - after all everyone needs a "key" bowl!
Anyway, that was yesterday after work - today has been up just before 9 - nap at 1 and lazing around - that's a 1 Day Weekend!
I was able to get a new table for the family room - actually Don found it and got it. It's actually a small dining table, but is the perfect size for where we're using it next to the sofa (and if we need a table to eat - we've got chairs somewhere!). It's the right color and we got the glass round for on top so cleaning is a breeze. Pier 1 has such unusual and interesting things! I need to go back and get a fun looking green plate/bowl that would look fantastic on the table. Don's only question was "what are we putting in the bowl - more stuff?" !!
I think we should take a page from one of my favorite TV shows - and put keys in the bowl - after all everyone needs a "key" bowl!
Anyway, that was yesterday after work - today has been up just before 9 - nap at 1 and lazing around - that's a 1 Day Weekend!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I'm actually looking forward to seeing this movie - it sounds interesting! I've used some of Julia's recipes and they AREN'T easy! Delicious but not easy!
I made her "Turkey Orloff" recipe - made it for the first time for a wardroom dinner party (about 20 people). It took a couple of days to make it - it required chopping 3 lbs of onions, 3 lbs of mushrooms (I doubled the recipe) and then the rest of the preparations. It made 2 large casseroles of thinly sliced turkey cutlets sauted in butter (of course) and layed with mushrooms, onions and rice. There was, of course :-) a rich sauce.
Everyone loved the dish - in fact the guys waited at the oven for the second casserole to come out!! A large salad, crusty bread and this casserole - YUM!
I don't think I'll attempt to cook many more of Julia's recipes - I honestly don't do that much cooking anymore and really focus on the comfort foods - but the movie should be good!
I made her "Turkey Orloff" recipe - made it for the first time for a wardroom dinner party (about 20 people). It took a couple of days to make it - it required chopping 3 lbs of onions, 3 lbs of mushrooms (I doubled the recipe) and then the rest of the preparations. It made 2 large casseroles of thinly sliced turkey cutlets sauted in butter (of course) and layed with mushrooms, onions and rice. There was, of course :-) a rich sauce.
Everyone loved the dish - in fact the guys waited at the oven for the second casserole to come out!! A large salad, crusty bread and this casserole - YUM!
I don't think I'll attempt to cook many more of Julia's recipes - I honestly don't do that much cooking anymore and really focus on the comfort foods - but the movie should be good!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
RPSLS - Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
A friend sent a link for the perfect shirt!
They came (had to order two!) the other day and are just right - now have to find just the right time to wear it!!
RIP - Walter Cronkite
David Brinkley, Chet Huntley and Walter Cronkite - now those were NEWSMEN. In my family we were, initially Huntley & Brinkley (NBC) watchers. Don't know why exactly except they were the ones my Dad wanted to watch so we did!
Later, after my Dad died, we gradually started watching Walter Cronkite more often - don't know why that was either - just made the change. And I kept up watching Walter until he left nightly news in 1981. In fact, my sons knew that bedtime came right after the man on TV said "And that's the way it is . . . ." !!
I remember his coverage of many of the "big" things in my life: the assassination of JFK, the moon landing, Vietnam, the Iran hostages . . . and the list goes on.
I've missed him since he left. And that's the way it is, Sunday, July 19, 2009. Bye
Later, after my Dad died, we gradually started watching Walter Cronkite more often - don't know why that was either - just made the change. And I kept up watching Walter until he left nightly news in 1981. In fact, my sons knew that bedtime came right after the man on TV said "And that's the way it is . . . ." !!
I remember his coverage of many of the "big" things in my life: the assassination of JFK, the moon landing, Vietnam, the Iran hostages . . . and the list goes on.
I've missed him since he left. And that's the way it is, Sunday, July 19, 2009. Bye
Saturday, July 11, 2009
What a difference a week makes . . .
Our old security group ended their tenure with us on June 30 and our new security group began July 6 (better for their schedule and ours to start after the holiday!) and what a difference it has made in the building.
On Monday, people were coming in and asking what was going on - things were different. And they certainly were. Without any confrontations, angry displays or anything, calm has decended and peace has been restored! No longer are groups of people hanging around outside - no shouts and (occasionally) obscenities. Wonderful!
Our new security group!! Thanks to all who "made" it happen!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock . . .
Friends and I were talking about this just today! Just love this show!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
3 Days Off
I hope everyone has a wonderful 4th of July celebration - I'm going to totally enjoy the fact that we're getting Friday off as well as Saturday!!
ENJOY and be safe!
ENJOY and be safe!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Enough . . .
I know Farrah Fawcett didn't want to die . . . she's fought hard for the past years against an terrible enemy. It was her bad luck to die on the same day Michael Jackson had a fatal heart attack. She's certainly getting short shrift in the news world.
The news since I got home (about 6) has been NOTHING but Michael Jackson . . . puleeze. Michael was a wonderful entertainer - especially when he was a cute young boy. However, I have to believe that somewhere in this large world of ours there is news infinitely more important to the vast majority of us than the passing of this very strange man.
I would like to hear about the latest news from Iran . . . the economy . . . even where in the world was the governor of South Carolina. I realize that in this day and age we're slaves to the 24 hour news cycle and OMG we have to focus extensively on "stars". But honestly, I would prefer real news . . . news that will actually affect me in some way, as the sudden, sad death of this man won't.
The news since I got home (about 6) has been NOTHING but Michael Jackson . . . puleeze. Michael was a wonderful entertainer - especially when he was a cute young boy. However, I have to believe that somewhere in this large world of ours there is news infinitely more important to the vast majority of us than the passing of this very strange man.
I would like to hear about the latest news from Iran . . . the economy . . . even where in the world was the governor of South Carolina. I realize that in this day and age we're slaves to the 24 hour news cycle and OMG we have to focus extensively on "stars". But honestly, I would prefer real news . . . news that will actually affect me in some way, as the sudden, sad death of this man won't.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Is It Just Me? . . .
or maybe it's because I've gotten older and more cynical but I just don't care about Jon and Kate!! I feel sorry for their 8 children (now, in my opinion, THAT was a mistake from the start but it's their life) but I absolutely don't care about them.
I have to admit that I've never seen the show - in fact I try very hard not to see anything that either of them is on but I have occasionally seen one or both on the "news" (we are desperate for things that pass as news in a 24 hour news cycle aren't we?!!). Why anyone would want to play out their lives in front of cameras is beyond me.
One of my favorite movies is American President - and there's a line in there where the President (Michael Douglas) says - 'these are serious times and we need serious people' - well that's certainly true now too - and I don't think that anyone on "reality TV" should or could be considered seriously (at least I can't take them seriously)!!
(caveat: there are some shows that are considered "reality" shows that have (in my opinion) more merit - I do watch Parking Wars - now THAT's entertainment!!)
Ok - off the soap box and back to the mundane!!
I have to admit that I've never seen the show - in fact I try very hard not to see anything that either of them is on but I have occasionally seen one or both on the "news" (we are desperate for things that pass as news in a 24 hour news cycle aren't we?!!). Why anyone would want to play out their lives in front of cameras is beyond me.
One of my favorite movies is American President - and there's a line in there where the President (Michael Douglas) says - 'these are serious times and we need serious people' - well that's certainly true now too - and I don't think that anyone on "reality TV" should or could be considered seriously (at least I can't take them seriously)!!
(caveat: there are some shows that are considered "reality" shows that have (in my opinion) more merit - I do watch Parking Wars - now THAT's entertainment!!)
Ok - off the soap box and back to the mundane!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
True Musings
It's been almost a month since my last post - and I must admit that I've been in the dumps most of that time. It's not an easy process and it takes time to work through - but I'm getting there - slowly but surely.
Work is work - some things are great and some not so great. For the first time in a long time I'm seriously looking forward to and actually planning for retirement. We'll see what the future brings - I'm thinking that I won't be in any great hurry but it's too soon to tell!
It's Father's Day - Happy Happy to all Dads - they're very special people!
Work is work - some things are great and some not so great. For the first time in a long time I'm seriously looking forward to and actually planning for retirement. We'll see what the future brings - I'm thinking that I won't be in any great hurry but it's too soon to tell!
It's Father's Day - Happy Happy to all Dads - they're very special people!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Memorial Day 2009
![]() |
From Diane's Musings |
Once again it's Memorial Day - a special day for me since 1964 when my Father was buried at Arlington Cemetery. At that time we had to wait for a specific time - because there were so many burials because of the Vietnam War (there was a burial every 15 minutes). This year we had to wait for a specific time for my Mother because there are so many WWII and Korea War veterans dying. Mom won't be at Arlington in time for Memorial Day this year but my father, my husband and my step-father are all there.
It's a very beautiful place and there's no wonder why the Custis and Lee families wanted to live there - but it's also a very sad place - even more this year.
My thoughts and condolences go to everyone who has lost loved ones - and, most particularly, to those with family at Arlington.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep,
Its own appointed limits keep.
Oh hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea! Amen.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Home Again
It wasn't the trip I'd planned - I was going to spend the week with Mom - talking and doing whatever she wanted - but it didn't work out that way. I have two suitcases worth of pictures and other things to go through and (hopefully) organize in some way. I also have a lot of memories to sort through.
The house in Florida was never my home but it was where we went to visit for the past 24 years - so it's going to be strange not going there again. We'll be all together again on June 1 - not something I'm looking forward to - that's definite.
Miss you Mom - I've been wanting to call so many times!
The house in Florida was never my home but it was where we went to visit for the past 24 years - so it's going to be strange not going there again. We'll be all together again on June 1 - not something I'm looking forward to - that's definite.
Miss you Mom - I've been wanting to call so many times!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Rainy Florida
A second rainy day in Florida but, in many ways, it matches my mood. I'm not depressed but I am sad. We've been through every drawer and all the closets. The poor trashman should have gotten a hernia from all the bags and bags of "stuff" that we threw out. Nothing that mattered to us but the kinds of things that are "special" to the person saving them (even if they're not seen again after they're put in the drawer!).
I've made a vow (to myself and again) to go home and do this kind of cleaning on my "stuff" so that my children don't have to do it later. We did get rid of a lot when we emptied the kitchen and family room for the re-do but there's a lot more there. SIGH
I took Mom's dishes and some "special" plates to UPS to be shipped today. There are a lot of pictures too - I'm hoping (planning) to get them all scanned with some notations about who the people are (if I know) and put on a DVD. That will make them more accessible (I hope) and I'll make copies for family.
I've made a vow (to myself and again) to go home and do this kind of cleaning on my "stuff" so that my children don't have to do it later. We did get rid of a lot when we emptied the kitchen and family room for the re-do but there's a lot more there. SIGH
I took Mom's dishes and some "special" plates to UPS to be shipped today. There are a lot of pictures too - I'm hoping (planning) to get them all scanned with some notations about who the people are (if I know) and put on a DVD. That will make them more accessible (I hope) and I'll make copies for family.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I don't know when I got to be the age I am – most days I don't feel my age (of course there are the days when I feel about 102!) but the calendar doesn't lie – it's been over 5 decades since I was born on this day.
There's been a lot that's happened in that time – just think about where I'm writing this!! It wouldn't have been thought possible in 1950! The typewriters were manual. I now have several telephones and none of them are hardwired into the wall (and I don't have to talk to an operator to make a call). I remember our first TV - it was black & white and there were only 3 channels (clarity depended on how the antenna was working at the time!). I remember everyone gathering around the TV to watch Gunsmoke, Bonanza and Lawrence Welk!! Now the TV is HD and there are 100s of channels (with still nothing interesting on sometimes!) and there are several in the house – everyone gets his own. It's now considered normal to have more than one bathroom, a multi-car garage and houses much larger than absolutely necessary.
The past seemed perfect to me – we played outside all day long and roamed the neighborhood at will – but I know it wasn't, just as I know that today isn't perfect either. I'm glad that I'm here now – I enjoy the comforts of 2009 – I bless the person who made air conditioning affordable and I am grateful to the people who made it possible for me to have a blog on the Internet. I like the speed of communication today (gone are the days of writing letters that take weeks to be delivered) but I do miss the excitement of going to the mailbox and finding an unexpected letter from a family member or friend.
Just some reflections on my life – nothing serious and nothing profound. Maybe that will come next year!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Years ago, when my Grandmother died, I remember having many talks with my mother about Grandma and Mom saying it was so hard because there were so many times she saw something or heard something and she started to pick up the phone to call her Mother. I thought I understood - I know I commiserated with Mom - and said that she could always call me but I truly didn't understand until today.
I was not as good a daughter as my Mom was - she called her Mother every week, sometimes more often. In my case it could be longer between phone calls (and frequently was) but for almost 59 years I always knew that Mom was there at the other end of a phone line - ready to talk and hear all my problems and worries. She's not there anymore but I still have the problems and worries and now it's me who finds herself wanting to reach for the phone to talk over the day's events.
With full credit to Rogers & Hammerstein
I miss you, Mom and I'm going to be reaching for that phone for a very long time.
Love you always.
I was not as good a daughter as my Mom was - she called her Mother every week, sometimes more often. In my case it could be longer between phone calls (and frequently was) but for almost 59 years I always knew that Mom was there at the other end of a phone line - ready to talk and hear all my problems and worries. She's not there anymore but I still have the problems and worries and now it's me who finds herself wanting to reach for the phone to talk over the day's events.
With full credit to Rogers & Hammerstein
When you walk through a storm keep your head up high,
And don't be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never walk alone!
I miss you, Mom and I'm going to be reaching for that phone for a very long time.
Love you always.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Kennedy Center
Went to the Kennedy Center today – great program – wonderful voices – and a moving story. I like the new Eisenhower Theater – but I also liked the smaller boxes with the high-backed wooden seats! Progress! Need to call them to see about next season – and to change the July program – I don't want to go to DC on the 4th of July!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
To Tweet or Not To Tweet?
Now that's a question - and I'm thinking that NOT is going to be my answer. I've set up an account, I've been following some people (and organizations) and even have one follower (the second one doesn't count). But I truly don't see the appeal.
I can see how it would work for the classroom and I can even see how it would work for organizations - quick alerts and all that stuff - but personally?? I'm just not that interesting and having one more place to access, read and update just doesn't seem necessary. Maybe it's an age thing - but I like to think that I'm fairly open to new technologies and that I understand and use many of them but in this case it just baffles me.
For now I'll just stay with this blog and Facebook - which I'm not totally sure about but it is somewhat entertaining!
I can see how it would work for the classroom and I can even see how it would work for organizations - quick alerts and all that stuff - but personally?? I'm just not that interesting and having one more place to access, read and update just doesn't seem necessary. Maybe it's an age thing - but I like to think that I'm fairly open to new technologies and that I understand and use many of them but in this case it just baffles me.
For now I'll just stay with this blog and Facebook - which I'm not totally sure about but it is somewhat entertaining!
Once a Manager - Never Again!!
Well - my career as a library manager is over. It was interesting and, I must admit, fun. There were parts that weren't fun or even enjoyable but for the most part I had a agood time and learned a great deal. It's a lot harder than it looks! For 3 1/2 months I feel that I haven't been in the building at all - there were weeks I didn't work my regular schedule at all - and so much of my work was falling by the wayside - but somehow it all got done (at least no one has come asking for something that wasn't done!!).
In the meantime, we're settling in with our new manager. Things will be different but I know we'll be fine and do well. In October we'll be celebrating our 5th anniversary in the "new" building - have to get started on planning our party!
In the meantime, we're settling in with our new manager. Things will be different but I know we'll be fine and do well. In October we'll be celebrating our 5th anniversary in the "new" building - have to get started on planning our party!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Done . . . hopefully
Taxes are done and filed - and now my fingers are crossed that the email saying that the IRS has accepted the return will come quickly.
I don't know why there's such a viseral fear of the IRS - I don't cheat on my taxes - I have made mistakes but nothing major and mostly in their favor! Anyway - every year is the same - I work on taxes and send them in and hope all goes well.
I don't know why there's such a viseral fear of the IRS - I don't cheat on my taxes - I have made mistakes but nothing major and mostly in their favor! Anyway - every year is the same - I work on taxes and send them in and hope all goes well.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Slow Progress - but progress
Back before I went to the CIL conference at the end of March, I ordered two counter stools (lower than bar stools @ 24") from GoodWood unfinished furniture. They came in this week and I picked them up today. I love being able to choose styles and finishes and, although the price was about the same as in a furniture store, I didn't have to drive all over town to look!
The backs are slats (a la craftsman) and the frames are ebony with seats in natural oak (as light as I could get them and just a tad darker than the cabinets). They look really good with the counters and the floors - there are black flecks in the counter - and best of all they're comfortable! We were actually able to eat at the counter - no balancing on our laps - of course the TV is behind us but you can't have everything.
VERY gradually things are coming together - have to find some more side tables - brought the old sofa table back but it's serving more as a console table now - with a nice tray for mail (if we can only remember to put it there!) and the lamp that the switch controls. Need to bring the phone w/answering machine down from the bedroom. I'm hoping tomorrow to get into the dining room and make it look more like a dining room and less like a junk room after a tornado came through! (The living room has to wait until we decide what to do with the old 36" TV.)
The backs are slats (a la craftsman) and the frames are ebony with seats in natural oak (as light as I could get them and just a tad darker than the cabinets). They look really good with the counters and the floors - there are black flecks in the counter - and best of all they're comfortable! We were actually able to eat at the counter - no balancing on our laps - of course the TV is behind us but you can't have everything.
VERY gradually things are coming together - have to find some more side tables - brought the old sofa table back but it's serving more as a console table now - with a nice tray for mail (if we can only remember to put it there!) and the lamp that the switch controls. Need to bring the phone w/answering machine down from the bedroom. I'm hoping tomorrow to get into the dining room and make it look more like a dining room and less like a junk room after a tornado came through! (The living room has to wait until we decide what to do with the old 36" TV.)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
*@#% Cat

The Sunday I was leaving (last Sunday), I was bringing things from the car into the house (so that there would be enough room for everyone's luggage) and, as I was walking in the house, out went the Quincy cat. He stood for a minute on the porch - looked at me with a definite gleam in his eye and darted down the stairs and into the bushes. I had no choice but to leave for the conference and leave Don with the daunting task of getting him back into the house. I honestly thought it would only be a few hours. HA

A while later, Don noticed that Cleo wasn't in the family room (where she stakes her claim on the sofa) and went looking for her. She (who NEVER wants to go outside and become an outdoors cat again) was outside on the front porch staring at the vent opening where Quincy had gone under the house - I guess she was daring him to come back! Guarding the front door against all enemies - Quincy included!
Finally on Tuesday evening Quincy got hungry enough to come in the house again and Don was able to get the door closed behind him. I got a text message and a voice mail that the *@#% cat was back in the house and all was well . . . almost!
I got home Wednesday evening and took Thursday off so I was sleeping in! I woke up and didn't put my glasses on on my way to the kitchen for a glass of water. I saw some black blob on the railing on the porch (next to the flag) and wondered what it could possibly be. Then - oh no he's out again but that can't be! So I looked around (without glasses!). No Quincy in the living room, kitchen or family room where Cleo looked pleased! I tapped on the glass next to the door and the blob turned around to look and it was, indeed, Quincy.
Not knowing if he'd run again, I carefully opened the door (no movement); stepped out onto the porch (still no movement); walked over and picked him up. With a little squeak I had him! From the corner of my eye I saw the other black cat streak away from the corner of the house. Once again the STUPID cat was inside! SiGH.
During the whole under the house ordeal, Don had ventured out into the garage and found the door that we'd taken down between the family room and the main hall and he'd rehung it. Now I have a way to get into and out of the house safely - as long as I make sure he's securely behind closed doors!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Another Full Day -
Today was another full day at the conference - great stuff, good stuff and some not quite as good but there was always something to take away from each presentation!
Tonight was the Dead & Emerging Technologies Talk - it wasn't at last year's conference but I'm glad it's back! It's always interesting to hear what the "professionals" think is dead/dying/alive - and, while it's always funny, there's a very serious thread running through each person's talk.
Libraries aren't dead unless Librarians say they are - I say they aren't (even though I'm not a librarian!!)
Tonight was the Dead & Emerging Technologies Talk - it wasn't at last year's conference but I'm glad it's back! It's always interesting to hear what the "professionals" think is dead/dying/alive - and, while it's always funny, there's a very serious thread running through each person's talk.
Libraries aren't dead unless Librarians say they are - I say they aren't (even though I'm not a librarian!!)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Full day of conference today - mostly good sessions (they can't all be good!) - and unexpectedly good wireless during the convention. Tomorrow I have to remember to take my power cords - the laptop did well after lunch but would have been even better with "juice".
As usual, Lee Rainie (Pew Internet & American Life Project) put things into perspective with his "Then and Now" comparisons
46 % of adults use the Internet
5% had broadband
50% owned cell phones
0% had wireless
75% of adults use the Internet
57% have broadband
82% own cell phones
62% are wireless
As usual, Lee Rainie (Pew Internet & American Life Project) put things into perspective with his "Then and Now" comparisons
46 % of adults use the Internet
5% had broadband
50% owned cell phones
0% had wireless
75% of adults use the Internet
57% have broadband
82% own cell phones
62% are wireless
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sunday trip to Arlington
What a day - the cat got loose again!! And I had to leave poor Don at home waiting for him to get back because I needed to go to a conference in Arlington!!
Don finally told me to leave (although it was a little early) because I had a bad case of the klutzy. I got some lunch and wondered why my phone wasn't connecting - to anything- email, even the telephone! Luckily it was early so I raced over to BJs where there is a Verizon Wireless - and said - FIX IT!! Luckily the guy had the same phone and did what I thought needed to be done - but I couldn't get the battery cover off to take the battery out!
Luckily he could - phone ok - and off I went to Arlington. Traffic wasn't bad - room nice - dinner expensive but delicious and back to the room where the internet connection keeps dropping - SIGH. Have to type fast - but at least I did get the *urgent* message with attachment finally sent - - DOUBLE SIGH!!
Hope the cat comes home - hope Don doesn't stay up too late waiting for him - kind of glad I'm here.
Don finally told me to leave (although it was a little early) because I had a bad case of the klutzy. I got some lunch and wondered why my phone wasn't connecting - to anything- email, even the telephone! Luckily it was early so I raced over to BJs where there is a Verizon Wireless - and said - FIX IT!! Luckily the guy had the same phone and did what I thought needed to be done - but I couldn't get the battery cover off to take the battery out!
Luckily he could - phone ok - and off I went to Arlington. Traffic wasn't bad - room nice - dinner expensive but delicious and back to the room where the internet connection keeps dropping - SIGH. Have to type fast - but at least I did get the *urgent* message with attachment finally sent - - DOUBLE SIGH!!
Hope the cat comes home - hope Don doesn't stay up too late waiting for him - kind of glad I'm here.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Computers in Libraries 2009
It's spring and time for Computers in Libraries. Once again it's in Arlington and I'm leaving Virginia Beach on Sunday with two colleagues. This conference is one of the first I ever attended and it's gotten better each year. I'm looking forward to the sessions and, honestly, to being away from work for a little while!
I do like my job - but trying to do two jobs (since the manager retired in December) has meant that I really haven't done either one particularly well (at least in my mind!). I've doubled the number of meetings I'm attending (ouch!) and never seem to have any time to do anything except put out fires! Anyway, after I get back from the conference a new manager will be taking the reigns and I can, happily, go back to MY job!
But for now - it's on to Arlington and fun!
I do like my job - but trying to do two jobs (since the manager retired in December) has meant that I really haven't done either one particularly well (at least in my mind!). I've doubled the number of meetings I'm attending (ouch!) and never seem to have any time to do anything except put out fires! Anyway, after I get back from the conference a new manager will be taking the reigns and I can, happily, go back to MY job!
But for now - it's on to Arlington and fun!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Ask the President
What a neat idea - vote on various questions and the ones with the most votes will be asked at the next press conference - check out some of the questions below and also check the website itself.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I found out today that I'll be "acting" another month - until April 15. I was expecting it to end March 30.
It's been an interesting experience but I know now that, if it were to last longer, things would have to change at work - people would have to step out of their comfort zone and pitch in to help.
Adding the manager's meeting to my meetings has been hectic - I'm sure that things have fallen by the wayside that shouldn't have. It would have been nice to have had the opportunity to have the job for real but at least this way I was able to 'act' for a while!
PS - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
It's been an interesting experience but I know now that, if it were to last longer, things would have to change at work - people would have to step out of their comfort zone and pitch in to help.
Adding the manager's meeting to my meetings has been hectic - I'm sure that things have fallen by the wayside that shouldn't have. It would have been nice to have had the opportunity to have the job for real but at least this way I was able to 'act' for a while!
PS - Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Painting - and more painting
Painting is coming along nicely - in fact we went to BJs today and got an area rug - could have been a little bigger but this one is good and was certainly a good price!! Don started moving furniture back into the family room - now we just have to figure out where things are going so that there's room for the new TV!
The end is in sight - or at least closer than it has been!
The end is in sight - or at least closer than it has been!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
An Anniversary
I just realized that I've "celebrated" my 1 year anniversary of the broken wrist! It happened March 2, 2008 - causing me a great deal of pain and making me miss the All Staff Training Day :-( !!
Anyway - one year later and, although my wrist is crooked because it "slipped" in the cast, and it's a bit stiff, it works well and I can do almost anything I could before! Cold weather isn't the best for it and painting the family room took a minor toll in aches and pains - for the most part the wrist is fine and I'm totally recovered!
Anyway - one year later and, although my wrist is crooked because it "slipped" in the cast, and it's a bit stiff, it works well and I can do almost anything I could before! Cold weather isn't the best for it and painting the family room took a minor toll in aches and pains - for the most part the wrist is fine and I'm totally recovered!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
After trying unsuccessfully to hire a professional painter for the family room, kitchen, laundry area and 1/2 bath, I decided to take roller in hand and do it myself!
On Saturday I taped everything - I didn't used to use tape but my eyes and hands aren't as good as they used to be - particularly the right hand! Anyway that went well and on Sunday I got up, went to Home Depot, got the paint and started working. I started with the fireplace wall because it's smaller and because I really wanted to see the paint against the woodwork. Looked good!
About 2 1/2 hours later I was finished - except for some touchup - and the family room was a pretty green - actually Khaki by Ralph Lauren Urban Lofts. I did all the family room and the wall that connects to the kitchen but the kitchen itself (little that there is) is still awaiting green! There's some priming that needs to be done first because the builder (all those years ago) built the cabinets in place and then stained and varnished them in place - one wall has the perfect outline of the cabinet door in varnish (where it was sprayed!). Kilz to the rescue!
Hopefully the kitchen will be done this weekend and we will start moving furniture back to the family room - Don finished cleaning all the paneling and woodwork with Murphy's Oil Soap - so it looks great!
Pictures to follow when the sun comes out and I'm home to see it!
On Saturday I taped everything - I didn't used to use tape but my eyes and hands aren't as good as they used to be - particularly the right hand! Anyway that went well and on Sunday I got up, went to Home Depot, got the paint and started working. I started with the fireplace wall because it's smaller and because I really wanted to see the paint against the woodwork. Looked good!
About 2 1/2 hours later I was finished - except for some touchup - and the family room was a pretty green - actually Khaki by Ralph Lauren Urban Lofts. I did all the family room and the wall that connects to the kitchen but the kitchen itself (little that there is) is still awaiting green! There's some priming that needs to be done first because the builder (all those years ago) built the cabinets in place and then stained and varnished them in place - one wall has the perfect outline of the cabinet door in varnish (where it was sprayed!). Kilz to the rescue!
Hopefully the kitchen will be done this weekend and we will start moving furniture back to the family room - Don finished cleaning all the paneling and woodwork with Murphy's Oil Soap - so it looks great!
Pictures to follow when the sun comes out and I'm home to see it!
Friday, February 20, 2009
We're using the kitchen - stove and oven are great! The dishwasher is so quiet that you barely notice it running while standing at the sink. The fridge is great - empty for the most part but great! The microwave is huge and has 2 shelves that will probably never be used!
We're still waiting for paint - painters are, apparently, in high demand. I'm ready to start myself but then reality sets in and I realize that waiting might be best. There's a LOT to paint, including the ceiling - and I don't like painting ceilings!
So - furniture still in the dining room and we're still "living" in the living room. The whole house is dusty and needs a deep clean - soon!
We're still waiting for paint - painters are, apparently, in high demand. I'm ready to start myself but then reality sets in and I realize that waiting might be best. There's a LOT to paint, including the ceiling - and I don't like painting ceilings!
So - furniture still in the dining room and we're still "living" in the living room. The whole house is dusty and needs a deep clean - soon!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Moving Back In
We're gradually moving back into the kitchen and the cats are back to eating downstairs! It's going to take some time because we still need to get the kitchen and family room painted - so we aren't moving the furniture back quite yet. But it's nice having a sink, fridge (inside) and stove again. Not to mention one of my favorites - the wine fridge! Now just have to get some more wine to put in it!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Final Days
Everything is almost done - just have to have the gas regulator behind the stove changed to something more "up to date" to allow the stove to be pushed back to its final position (just about an inch). Otherwise everything is hooked up and appears to be running - we're gradually moving things back but I guess the major move will be this weekend.
The wine fridge is hooked up and working - but I've had the one bottle of wine I had - so it's time to take some $$ and buy more than one bottle to put in there! I did put my Christmas present on the counter top so that it's readily available!! And we'll get the glasses put in the cabinet above soon.
It's such a different layout it's going to take some time to figure out the best way to work and cook in this kitchen - I mean almost everything is different - the appliances are in the same place (except the dishwasher) but all around them is different! Oh well - should be fun figuring out the best places for everything.

It's such a different layout it's going to take some time to figure out the best way to work and cook in this kitchen - I mean almost everything is different - the appliances are in the same place (except the dishwasher) but all around them is different! Oh well - should be fun figuring out the best places for everything.
I did pick out some paint - hope that will get done soon - and then we'll start moving furniture back into the family room and figuring out what still can be thrown out!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl 2009

We unpacked the wine cooler today - looks good - and hopefully that will be installed tomorrow (if the electrician finishes his work) and with the other appliances plugged in and rewired the kitchen will be competely built - not finished mind you - but built!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Counter tops!
I have counter tops!! And they're pretty - it's hard to determine what something's going to look like from a 3 inch square but these look good spread over all the counters! I'm looking forward to what the backsplash is going to look like - the tiles have been here - hope they look as good with the counter as I think they will!
Pictures to follow- all the lights and electrical work still aren't done so, while not totally dark, it isn't very bright in there! The floors are done too - and look good - unfortunately when the floors in the front of the house were put down, they went right over the sub-floor without an underlayment - they used an underlayment in the family room and kitchen so there's a difference in height - but the flooring people were creative in merging the two - unconventional but looks good and works! Especially when the doors between the dining room and kitchen and family room and hall are closed!
There is a light at the end of the renovation tunnel - have to finalize paint colors - I'm doing the painting!!
Pictures to follow- all the lights and electrical work still aren't done so, while not totally dark, it isn't very bright in there! The floors are done too - and look good - unfortunately when the floors in the front of the house were put down, they went right over the sub-floor without an underlayment - they used an underlayment in the family room and kitchen so there's a difference in height - but the flooring people were creative in merging the two - unconventional but looks good and works! Especially when the doors between the dining room and kitchen and family room and hall are closed!
There is a light at the end of the renovation tunnel - have to finalize paint colors - I'm doing the painting!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
OMG - Varmints!
Last night we were wandering through the newly floored family room and kitchen with a flashlight (to see any nicks in the floor) when we noticed the Quincy man standing at the french door quivering and whining/growling. Usually he does that when there are birds outside but it was dark and even he doesn't really pay all that much attention to birds at night (and there usually aren't many out there after dark).

Don shined the flashlight out the door and caught the gleaming eyes of a LARGE raccoon!! He was sitting at the edge of the covered pool and staring at the cat (and the light). I've never seen one in the backyard before and I've been here for years. Don's convinced he's going after the frogs that are living under the pool cover - I just want to know where he's living during the day! I haven't noticed any of the neighborhood cats going under the house recently but I have noticed that the vent covers are continually being knocked out - - - I sure hope he's not living under the house!
There have been workmen under there recently so maybe he's just visiting!! Geeze - something else to worry about - - - and we all know how much I like to worry!

Don shined the flashlight out the door and caught the gleaming eyes of a LARGE raccoon!! He was sitting at the edge of the covered pool and staring at the cat (and the light). I've never seen one in the backyard before and I've been here for years. Don's convinced he's going after the frogs that are living under the pool cover - I just want to know where he's living during the day! I haven't noticed any of the neighborhood cats going under the house recently but I have noticed that the vent covers are continually being knocked out - - - I sure hope he's not living under the house!
There have been workmen under there recently so maybe he's just visiting!! Geeze - something else to worry about - - - and we all know how much I like to worry!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It's Always Something
The floor is down and looks beautiful - just the 1/4 round to finish. Monday someone is coming to connect the microwave over the stove (need to connect the vent and the electrical as well as hang the oven itself) and then sometime next week the countertops and backsplash get done.
AND the bathroom sink plumbing gets repaired (hopefully this weekend) because to keep the drip to a minimum we have to turn off the water to the hot water heater. I remember asking, 25 years ago, if the plumbing in the house was copper and being told that the water supply lines were copper and the waste lines were PVC. And they are with a couple of minor exceptions (one of which is now leaking). The shut-off valves on the sink in the downstairs half bath are Quest pipe (UGH) and didn't leak until they started to dismantle the bathroom. We got it stopped for a week or so but it started again today. SIGH
AND the bathroom sink plumbing gets repaired (hopefully this weekend) because to keep the drip to a minimum we have to turn off the water to the hot water heater. I remember asking, 25 years ago, if the plumbing in the house was copper and being told that the water supply lines were copper and the waste lines were PVC. And they are with a couple of minor exceptions (one of which is now leaking). The shut-off valves on the sink in the downstairs half bath are Quest pipe (UGH) and didn't leak until they started to dismantle the bathroom. We got it stopped for a week or so but it started again today. SIGH
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
President Obama 2009
WOW - I was so glad we were able to set up the TV in the main part of the library to allow customers (and staff ) to watch the inauguration - the whole library was "library quiet" during the swearing in and the speech - it was memorable!
Monday, January 19, 2009
The flooring people came today to start lying the new floors and uncovered our first real problem with the renovations - a water leak (older) around the french doors to the back that has rotted out some of the wood underneath the house. Luckily the flooring contractor was able to contact a general contractor who came out and explained what needed to be done - remove the french door (fingers tightly crossed that the 25 year old vinyl siding doesn't break!!), cut back the subfloors about 1/2 way through the room from the door, sister new joists to the existing and replace about 8 feet of banding under the door - missing the water line to the outside faucet and the wiring immediately next to the door.
It's good that the finished floor has been removed and it's only taking up the subfloor- and they'll work from inside the house rather than from the crawl space which makes the cost a bit less - but still THAT was a cost that wasn't anticipated. Oh well - much better to find out now when it's easier to fix rather than after the hardwood is down - THAT would be expensive!
The complete job had been going so smoothly (and it truly still is as the contractor is going to fix the floor tomorrow!!) but I have to admit I do want it to be over and I want my life back - I want a kitchen and 1/2 bath on the main floor again!
Such a whiner - huh??!!
It's good that the finished floor has been removed and it's only taking up the subfloor- and they'll work from inside the house rather than from the crawl space which makes the cost a bit less - but still THAT was a cost that wasn't anticipated. Oh well - much better to find out now when it's easier to fix rather than after the hardwood is down - THAT would be expensive!
The complete job had been going so smoothly (and it truly still is as the contractor is going to fix the floor tomorrow!!) but I have to admit I do want it to be over and I want my life back - I want a kitchen and 1/2 bath on the main floor again!
Such a whiner - huh??!!
What Dewey Number Are You?
Diane's Dewey Decimal Section:
008 [Unassigned]
Diane's birthday: 5/8/1950 = 58+1950 = 2008
000 Computer Science, Information & General Works
Encyclopedias, magazines, journals and books with quotations.
What it says about you:
You are very informative and up to date. You're working on living in the here and now, not the past. You go through a lot of changes. When you make a decision you can be very sure of yourself, maybe even stubborn, but your friends appreciate your honesty and resolve.
Find your Dewey Decimal Section at Spacefem.com008 [Unassigned]
Diane's birthday: 5/8/1950 = 58+1950 = 2008
000 Computer Science, Information & General Works
Encyclopedias, magazines, journals and books with quotations.
What it says about you:
You are very informative and up to date. You're working on living in the here and now, not the past. You go through a lot of changes. When you make a decision you can be very sure of yourself, maybe even stubborn, but your friends appreciate your honesty and resolve.
Friday, January 16, 2009
The flooring was just delivered - 35 boxes - to acclimate before being installed on Monday - and Sunday the appliances are coming - my question is where are they going? There's plenty of room in the family room even with the flooring and I guess that's where they'll go. That does mean that the flooring people will be moving stuff around but, as I remember, that's what they usually have to do. Last time, though, they could put some of the things in the garage but that's not really an option this time (nor is the dining room which is completely full with all the kitchen stuff and almost all the furniture from the family room). Oh well, we'll "make it work" as Rick (the designer) says.
This is gone remarkably well (despite one small setback caused by me
). We're getting toward the end and the part where I have to do some work. I CAN paint and will probably do that work - and we're going to see if the paneling has anything behind it (if it does down it comes, if not it gets painted!!) and make sure the family room is painted too before we move stuff back.
I have to say what a remarkable thing the Flip has been and how much fun it's been to create movies!
This is gone remarkably well (despite one small setback caused by me

I have to say what a remarkable thing the Flip has been and how much fun it's been to create movies!
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