Saturday, December 27, 2008
Working after the Holiday . . .
We were busy with people who were suffering computer withdrawal after 3 days - and some people who were just having a really bad day themselves and trying to foist their ill-will off on us - to no avail! Two hours of IM reference netted NO questions - but it did allow me to update my calendar for January and get the schedule set up for the new year.
It's going to be different next year (next week) since my boss of 8 years is retiring and a new one will be starting in March. Goodbyes are never easy especially after 8 years and a new building - but I know we'll be ok - and we wish only the very best for our retiring boss - and hope that she enjoys every minute of her well-deserved retirement!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tis the Night Before Christmas . . .
Friday, December 19, 2008
Christmas Wishes
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Cat Baths
She did very well - she didn't seem to mind standing in the partially filled tub although once I went in to help as she was clipped it was obvious she wasn't happy to see me! I was interrupting the "Kitty-Daddy" time! I guess we'll have to do this more often - and maybe she won't have such "difficulty" with her grooming.
It went much better than I thought it would!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Appliances - OMG
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Post Thanksgiving.
Today was busy at work and everyone pitched in to get things done - lots in the bookdrops (drive up and walk up) and lots of deliveries too. We didn't get all the back issues of the newspapers out but we did manage today's papers!
Now I can look forward to the next two days off - I get Monday because Friday was my normal day off! It really doesn't matter why, I'm just glad there are two more days! Lots to do in December - and even more in January but that's what makes life interesting!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Feels Like Winter . . . at last!!
Today was a sweatshirt with turtleneck day (which did make it a bit harder when I remembered it was also Flu Shot Day)!! In fact the news reported that there were snow flakes seen in Virginia Beach today - I didn't see them but I would think they'd have been some of the earliest ones!
It's also my mother's 86th birthday - Happy Birthday Mom!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Back at Work and Other Problems . . .
There are going to be even more changes at work - people moving, positions not being filled, general cutbacks. Even more reason to be thankful that we've got some nation-wide changes coming - not that any one man can "fix" this mess!
One wish - PLEASE no more Sarah Palin - I'm totally tired of her and the whole family. Can she stop talking to everyone with a video camera? Can can the networks and cable news shows stop showing all the film?? Please??? Pretty Please???? SIGH . . .
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Happy Veteran’s Day – a Little Late
I know it's a day late, but I hope everyone had a good Veteran's Day and took at least a minute to think of all the soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and everyone else who's served the USA during times of strife and times of peace.
Since it's the day after Veteran's Day, I'm at the airport waiting to go home – and, as usual, it's a bittersweet moment. I don't like leaving my mother here and do have to get down here more quickly than I did last year – but it's always good to go home!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Beaches, feet and more . . .
We're having my mother's birthday dinner tomorrow - a week early - but should be fun. She and I went out today for pedicures - a first for me! Again a good time tho it took longer than I anticipated lifting wheel chairs and such but she did very well!
I am looking forward to going home -I miss my bed and my TV! Such a baby am I!
Disconnected . . .
It's Saturday and, aside from my phone which receives email, I've been disconnected for one day! And it's amazing how much I've come to rely on being able to have information at my fingertips . . . and not only at my fingertips but available 24/7. Oh well it's not the end of the world now is it – but might be good practice for a power outage . . . thank goodness for the generator!!
The weather has been beautiful – high 70s and breezy. Simply lovely. I hope to be able to get to the beach – maybe for a little while tomorrow – just to say I've been. I live in a place with Beach in its name and work 5 blocks away from the ocean and never go – so maybe I can go here!
I have gotten some information about family – not much but if I don't ask now I might never get it – so there's another avenue of searching – I'm not sure who'll be interested in any of this research in the future but I enjoy doing it!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Ok – I was thoroughly disgusted that ORF (Norfolk Airport) charged for Internet access – it wasn't a great deal but more the principal of the thing! Then I get to Jacksonville with enough time to actually do something online or at least pass the time online and their network would only give limited access. Now the computer logs on easily at home and had no trouble at Norfolk so I'm thinking the problem is with the Jacksonville Airport's network – BAH!! I'll check again at Tampa – I'll need a break in travel and I do need to make sure it's the network and not the computer (I don't have good experience with built-in wireless!) but this one is WAY too new to be messing up this bad!
Hopefully I'll get to post this sometime today!
4 pm – Bradenton Florida – computer effortlessly connected to a wireless network so obviously the problem was not with the computer – deep sigh of relief!
Weather is beautiful here – about 80 and sunny (of course). Flights were good and, since the Enterprise agency had "lots" of Priuses I got one of those – WOW what a different experience! But interesting! Not really comfortable seating for a longish trip but great around town. Shouldn't need much gas that's for sure!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
New Beginnings
On my way to Florida tomorrow for an overdue visit with Mom - she's doing well but I really shouldn't have put off the trip this long. It's supposed to be nice down there the next few days - about 80 - so it should be nice. I do need to take something a little warmer because it will probably be in the 50s when I get back (in the evening!).
Need to figure out what to pack - computer for sure - although finding access will mean trips to cafes! Decisions, decisions!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Parking Lot @ 7:15 a.m. November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
7 Days and Counting
Tonight Barack Obama is in Norfolk - or will be soon - but there wasn't any way I was going - much as I would like to see and hear him in person. It's just SO crowded and traffic would be horrendous - I'll just have to hear whatever parts of his speech are televised. It's pretty amazing to me that Virginia is "in play" this year - it's been a long time! I do remember when Virginia always went Democratic but it hasn't happened since LBJ!
I've made my plans to go to Florida - I know, I should have gone already, but at least it's planned. I'll be there for 5 and 1/2 days - longer than usual (maybe that will make up for being lax in actually going - Nah!). SIGH
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Political Musings . . . and Clothes
I haven't given either party any donation - I just haven't - and I certainly don't begrudge anyone new clothes - I need some myself - but, if I had given a donation to a political party to further their cause, to help "my" candidate get elected, I WOULD be upset to discover that my money hadn't gone to advertising or placards or even bumper stickers or anything else that would further my candidate's cause, but had gone to buy clothing for one of the candidates. I would have been even more upset to find out how much and where the money was spent.
Surely there was some middle ground - someplace to get Sarah Palin's clothes - that fell between the thrift store (where she said she shopped), Walmart, Kmart and Barney's and Saks Fifth Avenue!! I mean really - there are mid-level department stores that have nice looking clothes - stores like Kohls or Macy's, Bloomingdales or even Nordstroms. Places where the bill might well have been under $100,000!! From what I've seen her clothes are nice but not that much different (at least from the distance of the TV set) from those mass-market versions available for much less.
To me this is just another indication that the Republican Party, John McCain and Sarah Palin are out of touch with reality and the American public - we're facing massive economic crises and they're spending $150,000 for clothes that, according to the campaign, will only be worn for a few weeks and given to charity. That's what the disadvantaged need - used designer clothes!
And as a governor - couldn't Mrs. Palin afford her own clothes???
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Politics Overload
I've had a survey call from a campaign that wanted to know if I'd made a decision about who I was going to vote for - my answer was "yes" then silence. Finally the pollster asked if I'd like to share my decision - I told her. Then we went down the line until we got to the US House of Representatives where I had to admit that I didn't know a lot about one candidate except that he wasn't the incumbent - that mattered to me!
I have little idea about what to do for the local elections - either City Council or School Board - guess I better get busy and read some about who's running and decide pretty soon.
I really wish Virginia allowed early voting without reasons - I have a reason but it seems so elementary school to have to come up with an "excuse" for wanting to vote early and avoid long lines on Nov. 4. After all, I do have to work! Oh well, either way I'll do my civic duty gladly and keep my fingers crossed for the results!
Now I'll just get ready for CSI (new people coming) and the Campaign Comment on Countdown!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I'm a rather literal, practical person and nothing frustrates me more than dithering. Even if I don't agree with your decision - make it - we can discuss how it actually works after we've used it a while and, since our decisions aren't carved into the side of a mountain, we can certainly make changes if they're needed. I have enjoyed our progress so far - but the problems are real and do impact our ability to do our work - we can't be effective with our customers if we're fighting among ourselves.
That's what's made our meetings so long and so difficult. But I do think it's good to get things out and not let them fester under the surface. Like childbirth - the process is painful and messy but the outcome will be well worth the effort!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Done . . .
I guess I'll start more seriously looking for appliances - at least to figure out prices and model numbers. I've decided my present to myself for Christmas will be a wine refrigerator - there's a perfect place for it and removing the cabinet almost paid for the cooler!!
They'll start work in January - and it's going to take about a month - but that's not including flooring and painting and all the "smaller" details!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Paris & Cindy & Sarah Oh My
I know I'll certainly be happy when the election is over - and my fingers are crossed that the results are ones I'm hoping for - something needs to change because the current situation is in the toilet and we're circling the basin!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Debate's Over
I didn't like the format - and felt sorry for Tom Brokaw having to moderate and try to contain those two! But I did think that Barack did better overall and appeared more confident and Presidential - now I only hope that Virginia "stays the course" that it appears to be on with recent polls.
I know that a lot of promises that can never be kept are made but it really would be refreshing to have a candidate come on TV and simply say that times are really tough and we're going to face some really hard decisions in the days/weeks ahead. DREAM ON!
Debate's ON . . . . . Again
But the real question is one a friend asked on her blog - will "Sarah Palin" be on SNL again???!!! PLEASE! Love that Tina Fey!
BTW - eyes are glazing over - don't like the "town hall" process and really wish there was a REAL debate!!
On to the next glass of wine - it does help!
The New Baby . . .
Monday, October 6, 2008
A New Computer
BTW - check out this Flow Chart from The Huffington Post - too funny!!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Debates and more Debates
Two more debates (this Tuesday and the 15th (I think)) and we're done for this election cycle. I promise to vote, on the local level, for anyone not currently in office and for anyone who doesn't imply or state that his/her opponent is evil, dumb, or wicked! My list gets shorter every minute!
It's very interesting having Virginia actually "in the game" - we've actually had THE candidates here - and that rarely happens! Hopefully we'll do the RIGHT thing and go BLUE!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I'm ready for the Vice-Presidential debates - eagerly awaiting some Palin"isms" and hoping VERY much that she closes the deal - and McCain/Palin loses - BIG TIME! Come on Saturday Night Live moment!!
Love the email a good friend sent that said McCain replaced Sarah Palin with a wide-eyed Deer!! (this isn't the exact email I got but it's the same article!!)
Joe - stay steady, stay calm and bury her!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Interesting article today from a conservative commentator - from her lips to Sarah's ears! (As if!)
Getting testy now on both sides - personally, after the Couric interview especially, I'm looking forward to the Vice-Presidential debate - but I'm truly doubtful that there will be one - SP can't speak coherently on almost any topic and I bet the party finds a way to keep her away from Joe Biden!
STOP SPENDING $10B a month in Iraq and we'll have a better chance to end the economic problems - but that's just me.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
New Season!
Now Gibbs just has to prove it!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Next week looks much calmer - we'll see!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Buyer's remorse??
The kitchen is beautiful - the cabinets lovely - a honey colored maple with tons of storage - and countertops of quartz (about the same price as some granite but easier to take care of and guaranteed!). But floors aren't included (yet another decision) and painting and all that good stuff. The suggestion was to take down the 1/2 wall in the kitchen (don't know yet who'd do that) and appliances - OMG I had no idea (until shopping for a new washer/dryer) that the cost of appliances had soared quite so much!
Oh well - I have some questions for the designer - and then I guess we'll move forward - but probably not until the first of the year - it takes about 6 weeks to get the cabinets/countertops and about 4 weeks for the installation and that would be between Thanksgiving and Christmas - not a particularly good time not to be able to cook!
Fingers crossed - decisions to be made.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Kitchens, Appliances, Air Conditioners and More
Of course, right after I'd made the appointment to get the A/C fixed, I came home to discover that the washing machine had given up the fight. It's time has come and I'm now on the hunt for a new washer (and probably a dryer). I know these things happen but they always seem to happen to me just when I've gotten some money together to do a major project! Oh well, hopefully by next week I'll have a new washer & dryer (one question - to stack or to pedestal??? suggestions?) and move on to the next problem! (One additional problem - gas dryers aren't always in stock - except for the most expensive, of course!)
Tomorrow I meet with the kitchen designer - he says he's got some good pictures and plans ready for me - ones that will make my kitchen much better. I'm really looking forward to seeing them and then going to look for more new stuff - range, dishwasher, fridge, wine fridge??, countertops, tile.
HBO Special . . .
PS Helen - I've seen you on TV at press conferences since JFK and you always had good, HARD questions - but you weren't as funny as Mae Craig (thanks for the brief view of her in the special - now THAT brought back memories!!).
Showing my age here!
Monday, September 8, 2008
New Week - New Meetings
The downstairs A/C decided to stop working but we did have a "spare" window unit that worked remarkably well considering its size in relation to the downstairs! The A/C repair man is coming Wednesday (after another meeting in the early morning) and, wonder of wonders, their rates have gone up!! SURPRISE!
Hopefully it will be something relatively minor and easily fixed - but it must be done!
I'm still waiting for the kitchen designer to come up with his design - I'll give that a few more days before I call - I would love to get it done by Christmas (I know - fat chance!! But I can dream!)
Friday, September 5, 2008
OMG - HANNA is coming . . .
Oh well, I just hope that the over-reaction to Hanna (libraries, rec centers, etc. closing for the entire day) doesn't cause people to underestimate future storms (IKE is a much more powerful storm). We'll see!
In the meantime, I'll stay home tomorrow and wait for the rain to end. I'll also wait to see if we close for nor'easters - they're frequently as strong as what we're going to see from Hanna and, to my knowledge, we've never closed for one of those!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
And the politics continue . . .
I have been watching the Daily Show - great place for news! It was very interesting Wednesday night - particularly when the show compared several "pundits" opinions on various things. (Strangely most of the pundits were from Fox News - go figure!)
For instance, when talking about a possible Gov. Kaine vice-presidential candidancy, Karl Rove said that he (Kaine) had been Mayor of the 105th largest city in the US and "apologies to Richmond" but it's just not that big a city and, by inference, doesn't give much experience to the possible candidate. A few weeks later: Sarah Palin was the Mayor of the 2nd largest city in Alaska and that gave her lots of experience - guess Alaska doesn't have very many large cities because the city she was the Mayor of has a population of 9,000 to Richmond's 100,000+.
You'd think these people would remember what they had said - after all it was written down and taped!
Oh well, I guess that's what makes ratings on news programs - but I find it annoying and misleading. I just fear that too many people simply believe what is said on the various news programs and don't bother to do any of the research to see the facts behind the headlines.
I would like to see a woman in a vice-presidential or presidential role during my lifetime and I think that will happen but I REALLY don't want this particular woman. I don't like much of what I've read and heard about her positions -
"Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor. " TIME magazine September 2, 2008
Not exactly what I want a heartbeat away from the Oval Office - and I wouldn't have wanted her to be MY mayor either.
61 days to go . . . I'm still Diane and I wrote this message . . .
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'll Admit It . . .
It was an interesting (to say the least) primary season (although I totally refused to watch ANY of the seemingly thousands of debates!) and I'm convinced this one of the most interesting election years I've seen in a long time - and I was around (in elementary school!) when JFK won the squeaker against Dick Nixon.
I do miss the time when the conventions were simply broadcast without a lot of commentary - I can understand the spoken word and really don't need all that "extra" help understanding what's said - SIGH. (Actually there was commentary but Walter Cronkite was younger then!! And the coverage was gavel to gavel - much of it boring but it was the only thing on TV so watch it I did and I learned!)
I'm Diane and I approved this message!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Getting Started . . .
It feels good to get started with getting started but there are so many variables - and so much else that needs to get done too - duct work among other things! But at least there's a start - and hopefully there will be some great plans in the works. I'll let ya know . . . as soon as I know!
Need to work on the townhouse too - same thing as what the house needs - kitchen update, windows, paint - neverending story! Guess I'll be working for a LONG time yet! Good thing I enjoy what I do!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Worn Out!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Olympics - Finally
I don't watch the Olympics much anymore - I used to and I don't know really why I don't but there you are! Anyway, I'd exhausted my cable options (I either didn't want to see them or had already seen them several times) so there I was on NBC watching Michael, Nastia and Usain do fantastically. Along with the Silver and Bronze metalists they were all great - and it was beautiful to watch.
Congratulations to all the participants - Great Job!
I did get my fix (although I'd like to be able to catch the dressage finals) and I'm ready for non-Olympics again. This week is going to be busy with meetings almost every day - but that's OK because I'll have a great time with friends one evening. I'm really looking forward to that!! Great talk, good nachos and wine -what more could anyone ask??
See everyone on Wednesday!
Monday, August 11, 2008
A Year Ago . . .
Today she's home, has gained over 25 pounds and enjoys getting out of the house for weekly hair appointments and grocery shopping with "the ladies" who take care of her. We've been extremely lucky that she's doing as well as she is and we're greatful for each day.
My total thanks and appreciation go to my brother and sister-in-law - without them living so close and being able to handle everything I don't know what we would do. I'm very glad not to have to find out! Thanks so much, both of you!
One Day At A Time is not just for AA!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
All By Myself (with two cats!)
The dog is good and, luckily, she & my son live close by because she wasn't really happy here - anxious and pacing the few hours she was here. So I've been going over to her house several hours at a time, several times a day and last thing at night. She's fine over there - relaxed and happy to be home! I know she'll be happy when her "Daddy" comes home tomorrow.
This week will be a busy one - even without going to work. The car needs its inspection and an oil change, I have plenty of "stuff" to clean around the house (yuck) and I do have to go into work once this week to make sure timesheets are finished on time! But it will be good not to have to get up and out early! I'm sure the week will fly and all will be back to "normal" faster than I can imagine!
Wish me luck on the cleaning - I'll need all of it I can get!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Finally - Civics 101 "in plain English"
Update: the video was changed - hopefully this will work!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Finally Friday

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Another Day - Another Arrest
Eventually the man was arrested (after the police discovered outstanding warrants) but not for the incident in the bathroom where (allegedly) he had been packaging marijuana for sale!!
Oh well - we banned him for a year - the police arrested him and it was just another day in libraryland!
What is it about Thursday??? Last week was "interesting" too!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday was good though because my hair got its 6 week overhaul - including a much needed cut. Hopefully it will last another 6 weeks without getting too shaggy - one can only hope.
Saturday was a quiet day - the economy has definitely affected our business - tourists just aren't coming in the numbers they have in the past. Until, of course until the last hours of the day - when, once again, we had to call the police - SIGH. This time it was some people out front yelling, cursing and threatening. Of course, by the time the police got there (and they were quick!) the offenders had moved on - and they didn't come back (at least not before we closed).
Ok - I've whined about work, hair and weekends - Great Start to the Week!!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday @ the Library
Tomorrow is my day off - hair cut is definitely in order and overdue - silly stuff grows way too fast in the summer! After that I'm planning to putz around the house and rest up for Saturday - always a fun time! Hopefully the day will be as quiet as it's been all week - that would be fantastic!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekends Are Too Short
Finally decided it was now or never and off I started - pushing, pulling, moving cords, tables, chairs and the sofa. It looks good - a bit more open and, if/when we decide on an LCD television, this arrangement will work better than the old. Still can see the fireplace (always a plus in the winter, especially for the cats) and now have room for both laptops! So connected are we.
Now if it were just Saturday again tomorrow . . .
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Losing my Mind
I don't know what's happening - stress (I don't think there's more than normal), old age (there's always that!) or just plain need a vacation (I vote for that one!!) but the past couple of weeks have been hard on my cards!
Oh well - this too shall pass - course it would pass better if I could keep in touch with important government documents!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
I had to have my windshield replaced some weeks ago - and with the windshield went the expired base sticker. In itself not a big problem, but my ID card had also expired and, even worse, was missing.
So today I head to the base to get both - first to the pass office for a temporary pass onto the base so I can get the ID card and then back to the pass office with the ID card to get the sticker. That was the plan . . . and we all know about best-laid plans . . .
The temp ID was ok - only because D was with me and used his military ID to get it - but the ID card was a bust - because there is ONLY ONE WAY to access information on their computers and, 17 years after his death and 8 years after the last time I actually had to remember it, I couldn't remember my husband's social security number! Putting in my social security number brought up my name and the notification that I wasn't the sponsor (so there was a linkage - interesting huh??) but there was no way to link between my name and the "family"!! SIGH!!
It means another trip sometime to get the ID card and the pass - but not any time soon - probably my next Friday off.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Movies and Marathons
There were several marathons on TV - a JAG/NCIS marathon on Saturday (I'd forgotten that NCIS was a spin-off from JAG!!) and, of course, Law & Order (several of them!!) Of course I watched the NCIS ones and the L&O Criminal Intent - SIGH!! L&OCI is new on USA this summer so I got to watch new shows too!!
Lots of cleaning going on this weekend - mostly on Don's part - but I worked too - and we took another load to the dump and one to DAV. We can see carpet in all non-used bedrooms (miracles do happen) and we're ready (I think) for all of Don's stuff that's coming back this week (he starts his new job in Hampton Roads next week!!). Still lots to do to get stuff organized and put somewhere but there's light at the end of this particular tunnel and I don't think (at least right now) that it's a train!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Kennedy Center - 2008/2009
Lion King
We were able to get in and out quickly and the ride home was uneventful - we were even able to stop in Glen Allen and get the motorcycle and bring it home (I drove the Explorer of course!!). All was well down 64 and through the tunnel but as soon as I got to the Virginia Beach border the smell of smoke was everywhere! I'd forgotten the smell (or I'd gotten used to it) until I'd been out of it for a while - and then it was REALLY strong when I got back!
Oh well, we can hope that we'll have enough rain soon to put out the fires here and in North Carolina!
A great weekend and the start of a hectic week - but it's a short one!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Whew - what a week
Sunday will be more cleaning in the "spare" rooms that have become general dumping grounds for all things not in favor! Hopefully I'll be able to get all junk & real garbage out of my assigned room and move on to actual cleaning! There's still another room for me to do - but that's going to mean heavy lifting so I'm going to have to have massive help!
Monday will be a day of rest and relaxation (along with dusting and working from home - I know but there are things that HAVE to get done before Tuesday!!).
PS There are 131 days until the election - if it were over tomorrow I'd be very very happy!

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Burning . . . eyes, throat, lungs . . .
Too bad they're not making whiskey - there's peat a plenty burning around here - and all we're getting is watery eyes, coughs and scratchy throats! This morning it looked foggy but it was actually smoke haze in the air . . . between the heat a few weeks ago (with smoke then too!) and the increasing amount of smoke, this summer is stacking up as one of a kind!
The newspaper said that North Carolina officials said that the rainfall from a hurricane would be needed to put out the fires there - peat is up to 12 feet deep. Here in the Dismal it's about 3 feet deep so we DON'T need a hurricane - just 10 inches of rain!! Maybe the rain expected this evening or tomorrow will take some of the smoke out of the air - time will tell!
Oh well - I'll stock up on Sudafed (the REAL stuff), Excedrine and plenty of fluids!
PS - in the klutz department (again), I (apparently) tossed my wrist brace out with some garbage - SIGH. I've gotten another (different) one from Walgreens and will hit the medical supply store on Monday to get another one like the old one! GEEZE
Friday, June 13, 2008
Goodbye Tim Russert . . .
He's definitely going to be missed.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
UNCLE . . .
On top of that gas is costing almost $4 a gallon here - we're a bit lower than some other places and I just cringe at the thought of the electric bill next month! I don't think the A/C or the fans have stopped running (fans help keep the a/c a little higher - probably a vain attempt to save some money!!). We did cook outside so that was something but you certainly couldn't stay outside long - at least I couldn't.
Oh well - fingers crossed for no power failures and we're not going to mention hurricanes!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Interesting Times . . .
The first First Lady I remember is Maime Eisenhower - with bell skirt and peter-pan collar - she seemed like a nice grandma lady to a kid!
But I've now seen a woman make a very good run for the Presidency - good for her! And an African-American is now the nominee of the Democratic party - WOW talk about interesting times! So dispite the curse, I'm thrilled to live in these times!
My grandmother saw automobiles, airplanes and space shuttles. I've seen men walk on the moon, clear, closeup pictures of Jupiter and Mars, and women serving on Navy ships. I was in high school before I had a classmate who black and now I've voted in a primary election (and soon the general election) for a black man for President of the United States. Interesting times indeed!
So I can only hope we continue to live in interesting times - daily life can seem mundane and routine - but these special events certainly do add spice!
And people wonder why I find history so interesting and fun!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Thanks for small things
My broken wrist silver lining - here it is 4 months after the "event" and I've still not started biting my nails again - and I actually have nails! To be sure, they're not really all that strong and a couple have broken but not as far back as I used to gnaw them! It's been a little hard getting used to typing with nails - never knew it could be so difficult!
There's a "new wind blowing" at MPOW and I, for one, am extremely pleased about it! Looking forward to the upcoming changes . . . The Winds of Change was a training video we used to have, narrated by Patrick Stewart . . . I can hear him now!!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Almost Sunday
I did have a productive, if frustrating afternoon. I worked on my library's Summer Reading Club web page(s). It was productive because I got some of them finished - frustrating because the program's preview doesn't work and requires publishing to view the results. Things didn't line up exactly the way I'd like (or the way it appeared within the program) but it's not too bad! I have more to do - the teen pages in particular so I may work on them some more and see if I can't get it straight!
It was supposed to rain today but it didn't - but it certainly was hot. The first day it was really hot - upper 80s - and humid. Can't wait to see this summer's electric bills!
I'm amazed that it's June already - on Monday it will be the start of the fourth month of the "broken wrist". Amazing. Of course, my wrist isn't broken anymore - it's fixed (a little crooked but that's ok). But it certainly isn't back to "normal" and I just hope it will be someday. It gets better day by day - sometimes it's two steps forward, one step backwards but, in general, progress is being made! I can hold many things with my right hand - I can write with it (although it gets tired and sore easily) but I can't easily make a fist unless it's in the morning - my hand (and fingers in particular) still swell and I can't turn my hand palm up - it goes further than before but still not all the way. Oh well - I guess it really is time for physical therapy - much as I've been hoping to avoid it!
Well - it's after midnight and now June 1 - time for some sleep and a trip later this morning.
Later . . .
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
It's Summer
We're finally seeing many of our foreign student workers come to the library. In previous years, we've seen them come earlier - as much as a month earlier - but they're coming in now. It really is inspiring - I don't know that I would have ever had the courage to travel across the globe to a foreign country where I didn't speak the language well to work for 3-4 months. I'm just glad we can provide some contact for them to their friends and family back home. If only we had wireless!!
As the other area libraries calm down (somewhat) with school closing in a few weeks, we gear up for a really busy summer. I wonder how the gas problems and prices will affect the number of people who come to visit Virginia Beach and how many visitors we have coming in to use the computers. Only time will tell!
PS - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to a good friend - I didn't forget - I'm just that way!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Open Letter to NCIS Producers
Leon has GOT to go - simply has to. I can't imagine that someone as smart as the Director would have put something into his personnel file (which he convienently shredded) without a backup copy somewhere (maybe in the mail to Jethro??). And splitting up the team - puleeze!
It's bad enough that Ziva's going back to Israel and McGee to somewhere, but Tony to the Ronald Reagan?? Really now!
Anyway - it made for good television and ensures that I'll be anxious for the fall and a new season. BTW I have full confidence that McGee, Tony and Ziva will be back - after all they are the most productive (apparently) of the NCIS agents!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Example 1: Yesterday, for the first time in 10 weeks, I used BOTH my hands to brush my hair, gather it (somewhat sloppily!) into a ponytail AND twist a scrunchy around it tight enough to last for 14 hours!!
Example 2: An early meeting (before the hand swells too much) called for more notes than my poor left hand could laboriously handle - so, with brace on and a stiff thumb requiring an awkward pen position, my right hand rose to the challenge! And in the chicken scratch that resulted I actually saw shadows of my former handwriting!
World peace is still a distant dream, cancer is still uncured and gas and fuel prices continue to soar but my optimistic glass got a few drops fuller and the dim flicker at the end of what seems like an endless tunnel of aching, stiff and somewhat useless wrist got a little bit brighter. So I'm going to Sweat and Celebrate the small stuff and, hopefully, the big stuff will follow along.
Diane - now feeling that sometime in 2008 my wrist will be back to its new normal!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Wonderful,Energizing Workshop Today
Today was extra special, tho, because Michael Stephens of Tame the Web fame was here and gave a very engaging and dynamic talk (or three of them!). He spoke on what's next after Library, Learning and Web 2.0 - what we should be looking at for the future (and the present) and what we should learn next.
It was a fascinating hour - and honestly quite gratifying to know that we're doing some things "right" already and energizing with all the wonderful new things we have in front of us! Of course, there are always some obstacles but I don't think they're insurmountable and I'm very hopeful that we'll be able to move forward on a lot of the ideas! I know I have a lot of new sites to check out!
All - in - all a wonderful (long) day -
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Beware: Celebrity Endorsement
Might actually make up my mind for me - NOT! But it is the kind of political advertising I wish we had more often!
Besides - I HAVE to go with someone who reads history for pleasure!!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Baby Steps
- Fear - it's very strange to feel "afraid" to use part of your body that you've always used but there you are. I'm able to type with both hands but not as smoothly as I used to - yet. But I've been babying my wrist - probably too much!
- Relying too much on the brace - my wrist - heck the arm - felt naked without something on it so I left the brace on except for showers. It's scratchy and doesn't (of course) have the support of the cast but it does give a sense of security - but it definitely limits mobility!
- Feeling particularly old and vulnerable - this is my birthday month (in fact week) and the length of time this is taking to heal has pointed out, once again, that a significant amount of time has passed and "bouncing back" simply doesn't happen any more. That realization also causes mini - pity parties, which while temporarily gratifying (on some bizarre plane) are simply not useful or helpful
SO - what now!!?? Well, the brace is off today - I'm typing without it and doing ok - the old arm is stiff - of course it is! I don't have any real pain - just some soreness! I'll use the brace at night (at least for another few days) and I'm going to try to make myself use my hand and wrist more. Poor thing can barely hold anything but it's getting better every day!
AND - no more pity parties! I had some whine (with cheese and wine actually) but it's time to "let it go".
I'm going to depend on my friends to reign me in if (ok when) I get going! That's what friends are for - listening, supporting and smacking upside the head when it's needed! It's been a while since we've been able to get together - really looking forward to that!!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Saturday - May 3

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Blood, Sweat and Tears
I know it's only been a few days but I need to be able to accomplish these tasks in one month or I have to start physical therapy and I'd rather not! Fingers crossed (I can do that!!).
One other thing- how crazy is it to be fearful of taking a shower??!! I like showers but my arm feels so strange without anything on it for support that it's a bit scary in there! And it's still difficult because I really can't hold much or do much with that arm so my left arm doesn't get too washed! SIGH - baby steps!
Friday, April 25, 2008

I still do have pain meds tho - and based on the difficulty I'm having making some wrist/arm movements that's probably a good idea!
All in all, a good day!!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Final (I Hope) Week
It's kind of scary though! The other times the cast has been removed, my wrist has been very painful and I've babied it - so I'm sure it will be painful this time too. But I am getting more function back and I can't say that I will miss this thing! I'm looking forward to a real shower (I'm sure my hand is gross!!) and someday using the blowdryer again! In the meantime, I have to give credit to Donna (my stylist) who came up with a pretty good wash & wear 'do!!
And I know everyone will appreciate it if I can once again sign my name and have it look normal and not like a demented third-grader! I just can't get my left hand to do what I want it to do!Thank goodness I don't write many checks anymore!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Casts, Dust and Stuff
Dust –everywhere I look there’s dust – and I just don’t do anything about it. I can dust with my left hand – but I’m used to picking up with one hand and dusting with the other and THAT ain’t happening! Oh well – it’s not going anywhere! Maybe by my birthday I’ll be able to do more with this silly hand – I hear the physical therapy is terrible but it must be done – SIGH!
This is National Library Week and we’ve got programs galore going on – including beaded booked thongs tomorrow night – really cute and I hope we have lots of teens come make some! Ridley Pearson is coming for a lecture Thursday evening at Central Library – big doings!! The Rescue Squad next door gave us a beautiful basket of goodies for NLW – they’re always so good to us – time to start planning for their special week!
Not much going on - it was sunny and nice (cool) today - great spring day! My azaleas are almost all in bloom and look great as usual - the grass is looking better each week - it's a good time!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday - and RAIN!
Thank you USA - NCIS marathon!!
Last Week

I was with some terrific co-workers - some newly met! - and saw some great presentations - me and my "little (green) friend"! It's difficult to always have to really think about what to order for meals - I REALLY didn't want to have to ask anyone to cut up anything!

My room was terrific - very comfortable and the wi-fi was great although I wasn't connected to the hotel's wi-fi!! One benefit for me was the train that ran behind the hotel next to National airport - the train whistles were very reminiscent of my Grandma's house!
The Second Annual Youtubey awards were great too and I'm hopeful that not only Virginia Beach but Oceanfront will have entries in next year's contest!
I plan to have more on specific sessions and ideas for us later!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Rainy days and Saturdays
I'm getting ready to pack for Computers in Libraries next week - it's always fun and educational!! So many interesting things to learn about - and bit by bit we're starting to implement some of them at work! It's going to be a bit more difficult with one arm but that's the way it's going to be this year! Maybe next time!!
Speaking of casts (ok I really wasn't but I am now!) this one is worse on the inside than the other two - it's almost gummy (yuck) but fans help. The pain is a little more because of the arm rotation - I REALLY have to remember to take it slow (not a strong suit) and be assured that it will be better. 3 more weeks to my next appointment - splint time I hope!
Unfortunately there's no "group" meeting this month -- watch out May!

Monday, March 31, 2008
Another cast - another month . . .

Sunday, March 30, 2008
Taxes, Cooking and Misc.
Today has the potential to be a very busy day - and I'm basically a very lazy person - SIGH.
My intention was to have my taxes finished in February and, when that didn't happen, to have them done by mid-March. However, I decided to throw myself down on the porch and break my wrist instead. Thoughts of taxes flew out of my mind but now it's the end of March and I don't think the IRS will care about my wrist ordeal! I have my stuff together so I need to sit down with Turbo-Tax and get busy (but first a blog post!!).
I'm also making a pot roast for dinner. I discovered that peeling (or whacking) garlic isn't easy with one arm at a permanent 90 degree angle - nor is chopping up an onion. Luckily help was at hand and the roast got properly browned, garlicked and onioned and is now roasting away. The potatoes, carrots, celery and more onions will be added later. Since the weather today is cold and rainy, this comfort food dinner will be great! Not to mention the leftovers!
Next Sunday I'm off to Arlington and the Computers in Libraries conference. I've checked the weather forecast and, right now, it's cast friendly! Tomorrow I hope to get a new, smaller cast, but cooler weather is always better with plaster I've discovered! I always enjoy this conference and am anxious to go again!